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how do you detect that javascript is turned off

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    how do you detect that javascript is turned off

    IE6 - sp2 turns off javascript by default, turning it back on is no problem,

    but how do we detect that the user has javascript turned OFF and then automatically send the user to a special "brochure page" so we can tell the users that the site won't work unless they turn ON javascript and then give them a few screen shots

    creating the page is not the problem, its detecting and re-directing them to my new brochure page. thats the issue.

    Perhaps its the sort of script that Actinic needs to create

    IE6 - sp2 turns off javascript by default
    Are you sure. I've never seen this as default behaviour.

    Anyway, if JavaScript is disabled then any code within

    <noscript>...</noscript> will run. And if javaScript is enabled code within will be ignored.

    So you could try something like a META redirect within such tags. Or even simpler just stick a lump of text explaining what to do with an optional link to any other page that helps.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      duh . . my brain hurts,
      of course its <noscript>
      hands up, its a ****** moment (not allowed to say the word SENIOR - age discrimination act and all that, so I won't)


        by default ? - this was a brand new machine xp-pro, sp2 pre-installed and actinic was the first programme to be installed, tried the preview page and got the yellow bar saying blocked
        perhaps its the new default when sp2 is part of the virgin install rather than an upgrade, when its upgrade, you hope (and it seems) that it looks at what your current settings are.
        but anyway, thanks for the help.

