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Different programs?

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    Different programs?

    I am extremely baffled by the amount of products Actinic offer...

    i.e. Catalog I understand is just for one shop and one PC licence, but then Designer is same price but you cannot upload products to it?

    If as a webdesigner I wanted numerous sites on one piece of software what is best method for me?

    If you are going develope and manage multiple sites yourself then you would need Business MultiSite. If you are going to delevope sites for clients then you will need Designer (which can develope mutiple sites) and your client will need either Catalog, Business or Business MultiSite depending on the type or number of sites the client will manage.

    Developer can upload products but not download orders (apart from test orders)



      Many thanks for the reply, ok I kinda get it now...

      so if I was designing a site for another customer I would get designer then they would have catalog so this would enable them to upload themselves????

      So if I was taking care of all uploading etc, and they were just getting orders, I would just need catalog to enable me to design, build and upload?

      And business mulitsite is a licence to build as many sites as you like and hold all products on one pc?

      So I am right in thinking that Actinic runs all the time to take orders? so you need the software on that machine to process?



        Also, with Designer can I design unlimited sites and upload them too but would need my cusotmer to buy Catalog to actually use the site????


          To keep it simple although I may not cover all aspects...

          Originally posted by red_sea
          so if I was designing a site for another customer I would get designer then they would have catalog so this would enable them to upload themselves????
          Yes - they would be able to upload and download orders themselves. (They would need there own licenced copy of Catalog)
          So if I was taking care of all uploading etc, and they were just getting orders, I would just need catalog to enable me to design, build and upload?
          Catalog will allow you to build the store and upload and download orders - but it is limited to one site.
          And business mulitsite is a licence to build as many sites as you like and hold all products on one pc?
          So I am right in thinking that Actinic runs all the time to take orders? so you need the software on that machine to process?
          No it needs to be installed and periodically run (or scheduled) to download orders.
          Also, with Designer can I design unlimited sites and upload them too but would need my cusotmer to buy Catalog to actually use the site????

          Designer is intended for Designers who will design build and perhaps maintain their clients' sites but the client would have to buy either Catalog or Bisiness or Business MultiSite to be able to download orders (and if they wished to maintain the products etc.)

          Some designers buy and use their clients licence to design and build the site then pass the software etc onto the client. That way they do not need to buy Designer even.

          Hope this clarifies a bit more for you (and that I haven't made any mistakes).



            Thanks mate, that about clears it up!

            So if I did use Catalog on my own PC then I would need a licenced copy which I could basically upload everything on the licence then install on customers machine?

            So do i need to have PC on with Actinic running to download orders?

            Can you answer any of the other questions in my other post below this one?

            Most Grateful!!!!!!!!



              Originally posted by red_sea
              So if I did use Catalog on my own PC then I would need a licenced copy which I could basically upload everything on the licence then install on customers machine?
              Yes - The copy is licenced to a site. eg you buy Catalog for your client - develope and upload the site then pass the software etc. on to the client for them to install on their machine and use to manage the site.
              So do i need to have PC on with Actinic running to download orders?
              Yes - orders can only be downloaded and unencrypted within the Actinic software.


                Last onee!

                Many Thanks again, finally one last question (and I did actually just buy a copy of Actinic 8) if I have more than one website, so I just need one piece of software and just a licence per site?, or would I have to have lots of differnt Actinic catalog programs installed? or have to have the multi-user, as I am due to just have 2 sites myself and the multi business is a touch too much.

                Many Thanks


                  Phrased differently....

                  assume there are 3 processes - design, product maintenance, order management.

                  Designer allows the designer to design multiple sites, and add products to those sites but not download orders.

                  Client catalog/business allows the client to add/edit/delete products and download orders. (there is no design element) Client catalog/business can only be supplied to the customer by the designer.

                  Full catalog/business allows all 3. Thus as a designer you can design in catalog/business and then pass the software to the customer for product maintenance/order management and customer could change the design if they choose.

                  As a designer you must choose if you are going to offer a fully managed store to your customers ie perform all 3 tasks - if you choose this route - you need Multisite. This allows unlimited number of sites with all 3 processes.

                  One licence will loosely allow you to run one live store. (except multisite)

                  Which leads in to the final option of running full catalog/business across 2 PCs one for order processing, one for design and product input.

                  Your example of 2 sites - are they your own personal sites that you will manage? or 2 sites for 2 different clients? - you could buy designer and 2 copies of client catalog/business, or 2 full copies of catalog/business.

                  Does that help? I doubt it!!

                  Maybe armed with this info you could phone Actinic sales to confirm your requirement

