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Is it worth upgrading from Actinic Express to Actinic Catalogue ?

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    Is it worth upgrading from Actinic Express to Actinic Catalogue ?

    Hi there.

    I currently use Actinic Express and I am generally very happy with it but would like to know whether its worth going over to Catalogue. I really like the very easy to use approach with Express and just wonder if this is all lost in Catalogue.

    My main questions I would like answered are as follows:

    1. I currently look after the site myself and like the freedom of being able to change details myself. Is this still possible in Catalogue and is it sill as easy ? Could I get a designer to change some details for me but still administed the site myself ? I presume that I can only change the website in Catalogue from one computer and not from any like Express that is web based ?

    2. Is it more seach engine friendly than Express ? With Express I seem to be unable to get all my web pages listed in Google , only the website address and the index page.

    3. Are there marketing tools that come free that allow you to e-mail all your customer base i.e. Newsletters ?

    4. Can you upload your catalogue to say 3rd parties i.e. Froogle ?? And has anyone done this ? Is it easy to do ?

    5. I currently bought my address with a company called UKREG and changed the DNS settiings to the IP Adress of Actinic Express. Actinics fees for hosting are free with Express but I think are quite expensive for Catalugue approx £25 month when I think I can get the same service for about £5-10 with UKREG. As im stuck to a tight budget does anyone else use a 3rd party for their hosting and Is there much downtime in the change ?

    Anymore advise or tips would be great and if anyone else has done the crossover I would like to hear their comments.

    Many thanks

    Bradley Jones

    The Baseball and Softball Shop

    1. I currently look after the site myself and like the freedom of being able to change details myself. Is this still possible in Catalogue and is it sill as easy ? Could I get a designer to change some details for me but still administed the site myself ? I presume that I can only change the website in Catalogue from one computer and not from any like Express that is web based ?
    yes you can still administer products yourself in catalog. Cataloghas better features for design purposes. It is PC based not web

    2. Is it more seach engine friendly than Express ? With Express I seem to be unable to get all my web pages listed in Google , only the website address and the index page.
    catalog creates static HTML therefore is better for SEO

    3. Are there marketing tools that come free that allow you to e-mail all your customer base i.e. Newsletters ?
    yes this is included as standard in V8

    4. Can you upload your catalogue to say 3rd parties i.e. Froogle ?? And has anyone done this ? Is it easy to do ?
    yes the export for frogle now replaced by googlebase in included at standard

    5. I currently bought my address with a company called UKREG and changed the DNS settiings to the IP Adress of Actinic Express. Actinics fees for hosting are free with Express but I think are quite expensive for Catalugue approx £25 month when I think I can get the same service for about £5-10 with UKREG. As im stuck to a tight budget does anyone else use a 3rd party for their hosting and Is there much downtime in the change ?
    some cheap hosts are too cheap thus can hinder your sales, do a full forum seatch to research good and bad hosts

