This is my thinking and the problem I see with using the extended info as a main product page ie it cannot be fine tuned SEO wise. I have not played with this area and so will be interested in any outcomes -
This is my thinking and the problem I see with using the extended info as a main product page
I'm not really wanting to use it as the main product page. Even if it only has an image on it and a close button, the naming would be better.
There was a quick fix you could do in previous versions to make the pop an h ref link so the page was spiderable this justtakes the automation one step further
The tricky thing is that 'productname' doesn't exist. The only variable for 'ProductName' gives you the name - capital letters, spaces and all.
If you created a user-definable property called 'ProductNameSEO' or something you could then enter a value for this for each product.
Then you can (and this is the clever bit) go to the Library | Layouts tab, expand the 'Extended Info Layout' group and then go into one of the layouts there.
Then click the 'Edit Layout Details' button and in the 'Extended Information Page File Name' field enter