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Showing item marked as in Cart/Basket

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    Showing item marked as in Cart/Basket

    Hi folks,

    This is my first post. First I'd like to say what a fantastic forum this is. I've been using Actinic for about 6 weeks now and one of the major factors in going with Actinic was the superb forum support I saw here from both Actinic staff and particularly the community.

    I'm a novice with html and I've never used CSS before so it's been a baptism of fire but I'm starting to get the hang of using it, and dare I say even liking it, despite not really understanding how it actually works of course.

    A feature I've seen a couple of times is where after a customer clicks add to cart the item is marked with an image flag indicating that it has been added to the cart - as a reminder. I appreciate it's a bit of a fluffy feature but I'm sure that it's something quite a few people would find useful for sites with a large range of items.

    I imagine it needs some sort of perl and/or javascript trickery which is way out of my league. I've searched all over for this but see nothing in the forums.



    There is some script around on the forum that allows you to include the products ordered in the cart summary. This is one way you could do something similar, but as you say could be a bit messy when there are lots of items in the cart.

    I would imagine that someone with a decent knowldeg of javascipt could enhance this by checking the advanced cart summary data and then displaying an 'in cart' message against the product on the page.

    It's beyond me though.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


