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Big crash in v8.0.3

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    Big crash in v8.0.3

    I'm still playing with v8.0.3 - and getting more and more frustrated.

    Tonight, In preparation for an italian distributor coming to a clients office on Wednesday first thing, I've knocked up a new web site

    I've with a clean sheet, uploaded a designer partial snapshot containing the required layouts, set all options that weren't copied with the snapshot, tested that I could backup
    then started adding the products, components, duplicates, fragments,
    and then ran the site snapshot again - CRASH - it even crashed the whole of actinic.
    Now I CAN display a SINGLE page, but I can't display multiple pages on the PC. It won't upload to the trial website- I can't even craate a snapshot to send to support.

    The error generated is as follows:

    AppName: catalog.exe
    ModName: catalog.exe
    Offset: 001ae625
    even when I delete the ENTIRE setup of ALL fragments, ALL products -leaving JUST the "home", "more pages", "new Products" and "special offers" - it STILL crashes - this time "offset: 001ae623"

    boy oh boy - v8 sure is a trial by fire the moment you stray from the normal templates that come with the system

    is it worth asking if anyone has any ideas apart from "bend over, head between legs and kiss your **** goodbye"

    forgot to mention,
    I've tried compressing the database both inside and ouside of catalog - nope.
    tried swapping from designer to client (just in case - hopeful but not really expected it to work)
    tried using the Housekeeping "recover database" - nope
    even the "check for coding errors" crashes actinic.
    I can create a "partial site snapshot" - not that does me a lot of good.


      Well !
      restored the original snapshot I made when I first installed v803
      re-applied the design layouts
      re-applied all those settings that are not transferred with the partial deployment
      re-created just 12 products, lots of fragments, duplicates etc
      created 28 full snapshots - pausing each time I have a little bit more to backup (eg after I've create the basic products, after I've applied fragments, after I've created dropdowns etc)
      uploaded to the trial website 28 times - sure I'm not taking any chances
      and I've now got a working website

      Its taken a further 6 hours through the night, support isn't open after 11pm ! not sure why though, its ehen I seem to get most of my problems.

      I've encountered a few more "enhancement requests" like "feedback when I've copied fragments to the same section and I've fogotten to change the title and sit there wondering why I can't hit the apply-button"
      I've drunk lots of copies, kept an eye on some awful rubbish on telly

      BUT I do have a working trial website.

      V8 still has some big problems, don't tell me I'm doing something wrong, Actinic-software is LETTING ME do something wrong !

      I refuse to use the product straight out of the tin and at the moment, like it says on the tin "it NEARLY does what it says on the tin, but make sure the coffee is to hand"

      I'm still going to raise a support query and see just what has gone wrong with the snapshots I couldn't take.

      My guess is I'm happier that I was 10 hours ago, but not that much happier


        Hi Kevin

        Sorry you've had such a rough time with Actinic overnight - but I'm glad you've gotten it working again.

        Feel free to contact support and maybe send them the design snapshot that caused the original problems - hopefully they can reproduce what went wrong.

