I'm building a site that sells prescription glasses. There are lots of components, attributes and choices on the product page so people can enter their prescription and choose lens options.
There is one part of the prescription where it would be preferable if people could enter the value into a blank text box rather than choose from a pre-populated list. Is there a way of entering a text box like this inside a component?
What I have is a component for each eye in the prescription area, so:
Component = Right Eye,
Attribute 1 = Sphere,
Attribute 2 = CYL
Then I need a text box for Axis
Then Attribute 3 = Addition
Then repeat the same for Left Eye.
I'm using new Attribute lists to put different attributes in different places on the page so I guess I could use a prompt to ask a question and then place that prompt in between attributes 2 and 3.
But it does say in the Help menu:
I didn't really want a quantity on the product page, so if this is the way to go can I just comment out the quantity in the code?
So many questions!
There is one part of the prescription where it would be preferable if people could enter the value into a blank text box rather than choose from a pre-populated list. Is there a way of entering a text box like this inside a component?
What I have is a component for each eye in the prescription area, so:
Component = Right Eye,
Attribute 1 = Sphere,
Attribute 2 = CYL
Then I need a text box for Axis
Then Attribute 3 = Addition
Then repeat the same for Left Eye.
I'm using new Attribute lists to put different attributes in different places on the page so I guess I could use a prompt to ask a question and then place that prompt in between attributes 2 and 3.
But it does say in the Help menu:
To make the questions appear before the customer clicks the 'Add to Cart' button, use a shopping mode of 'Quantity on Product Page'.
So many questions!