I am nearly ready to go live with my site so I thought I would test the payment system.
Actinic connects to paypal, although very slowly. Is there a fix for this?
PayPal does not show the product listing just a purchase code. I understand this is normal. Can the products be listed in this part so the customer can still see?
Then when I logged into a test paypal account and payed it bounced me to a page with the information below.
Here is the page
A General Script Error Occurred
Error: Bad input string "SEQUENCE=3&ACTION=Finish&ORDERNUMBER=LR33DP10000001&REFPAGE=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2emasterforge%2eco%2euk%2facatalog%2ftest%2facatalog%2findex%2ehtml&&tx=3FJ269609R621960L&st=Completed&amt=0.50&cc=GBP&cm=&sig=NSYfxYxjDTQBKeHRsLVAAggdLYGT%2bJjSO0HHLIa7T8yEYP7GQGQUzjSzX4H34Kd8%2b%2br5lKXBUDIlHegg05B6P7p7bo%2bLdsp9vHp1kJbPfBoOPQ5DWk1nV9o%2bKYbsUUfuWu%2ftTbMR1cGpabx4OnJ0ISXCfrrUtZWTg0FWcXWcKS8%3d". Argument count 20.
I have had so many problems with actinic, just trying to get a tidy site working functional that I wasn't at all surprised. My fear is that there is a major problem now.
I am in test mode could this have an effect?
Please help.
Actinic connects to paypal, although very slowly. Is there a fix for this?
PayPal does not show the product listing just a purchase code. I understand this is normal. Can the products be listed in this part so the customer can still see?
Then when I logged into a test paypal account and payed it bounced me to a page with the information below.
Here is the page
A General Script Error Occurred
Error: Bad input string "SEQUENCE=3&ACTION=Finish&ORDERNUMBER=LR33DP10000001&REFPAGE=http%3a%2f%2fwww%2emasterforge%2eco%2euk%2facatalog%2ftest%2facatalog%2findex%2ehtml&&tx=3FJ269609R621960L&st=Completed&amt=0.50&cc=GBP&cm=&sig=NSYfxYxjDTQBKeHRsLVAAggdLYGT%2bJjSO0HHLIa7T8yEYP7GQGQUzjSzX4H34Kd8%2b%2br5lKXBUDIlHegg05B6P7p7bo%2bLdsp9vHp1kJbPfBoOPQ5DWk1nV9o%2bKYbsUUfuWu%2ftTbMR1cGpabx4OnJ0ISXCfrrUtZWTg0FWcXWcKS8%3d". Argument count 20.
I have had so many problems with actinic, just trying to get a tidy site working functional that I wasn't at all surprised. My fear is that there is a major problem now.
I am in test mode could this have an effect?
Please help.