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Question about shipping tables...

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    Question about shipping tables...

    I am still new here, so apologies for the basic question...

    I have set up 4 Zones, UK, USA & Canada, Europe, and Rest of World (ROW).
    Setting up the classes got me into a tangle, since I am offering Air Mail and also Air Mail plus International Signed For service. At one point, having set up Air Mail under each of the Zones, I used the properties section to rename the Air Mail class in USA as Air Mail plus ISF, and immediately it did the same (i.e. changed the name) under both Europe and ROW. Eventually, after a bit of fiddling around, I seem to have got everything to work. However in order to get some design changes into my client version of Actinic 8, I first exported the shipping info. Now when I re-import it, I get errors -

    Line 232: A Class of service with this name already exists. During a Replace Import, the Classes of service in the shipping tables are not erased which can lead to this error being reported -

    The shipping tables LOOK alright. Should I worry about this? I have been getting a problem with ACtinic crashing and losing the latest snapshot, but that may well not be related.

    The (not yet live) site is at



    Crashing problem DOES seem to be related...

    I import the complete snapshot with design changes. Close Actinic and re-start.

    Then delete the various shipping zones, and re-import my previously exported shipping data. I get the error reported earlier (about 8 times when I look at the error log file) but now the snapshot has rolled back to the previous version.

    Strange or what?

    Hendrik Ball


      Hi Hendrik

      I used the properties section to rename the Air Mail class in USA as Air Mail plus ISF, and immediately it did the same (i.e. changed the name) under both Europe and ROW.
      This is because the same shipping class was being used by more than one zone - if you rename it, it will rename it for all zones. You need to create a number of different classes if you want different names.

      With regards to the shipping import, I suggest you take a snapshot to back up your store, then do a shipping export. Then you need to delete all your zones and classes and then do the shipping import - this should then import all the zones and classes without any errors.

