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Actinic Version 7 to 8 Multi - Template Display Errors!

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    Actinic Version 7 to 8 Multi - Template Display Errors!

    I have developed a site in version 7 Developer, which I now wish to import into version 8 Multi-User.

    The site developed in Version 7 uses the Basic Layout 13 theme - which was then modified within Dreamweaver, and our own design was worked into the templates. Due to the required functionality of the site, each store section has its own primary template and is styled completely with our own style sheet.

    The problem I have encountered, is version 8 is not using the stylesheet cotrrectly, as the text is now very small.

    I have attached a screenshot of how the site now appears in version 8. How the site should look can be seen here

    Take a look at the source code of the site which is not showing the correct text size and note the css classes that are styling the text. Check these styles and see if you can find anything untoward. Your V7 site may not have been showing as the style should have been and it's possible that V8 is showing it correct. When the text size is not as you thought it would be or not as you thought you had designed it, you can bet a large amount of money on it being a CSS problem.

    The styling on a v7 site i upgraded to v8 changed drastically, text size, link colours etc. It may seem a big problem, it is usually a quick fix.

    I'll take a shot at it and say that you have 2 CSS rules trying to style one particular thing and the one that is winning the battle is the one you don't want to.

    You also have the option with V8 to create your own DW sites and the put the requires Actinic variables where you want them using the Actinic/Dreamweaver interface.



      Thanks for your help.

      My problem is that the site I developed is using a lot of hard coded functions and formatting, and is loosely based on Layout 13. While I have used my own stylesheet and striped alot of unneed Actinic style away from most templates. I ahve checked the page HTML and all my CLASSES and ID's are still there. And based on how the page is formatted, and not entirely sure how it's not references the Stylesheet



        I don't think i would be anywhere near to being alone if i advise you in your situation to start with your designs in dreamweaver and insert the actinic content you want.

        Some of us with only marginally altered v7 sites have had nightmares upgrading. If your site changes are as widespread as you say they are, then i would go as far to say that your new v8 upgraded templates are not worth spending another minute on.

        I for one learnt the hard way that trying to correct the v8 upgrade errors is difficult and time consuming. This is eased as you get more into the product and how it works, however you must bear in mind, it is a radical move from v7 to v8 in the way that it works and as such your templates will reflect this.

        My advice in your situation would be leave things as they are or start afresh. If you don't then be prepared to spend quite some time and for heavens sake take regular snapshots - PLEASE!!!!!!

