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Donations addition at checkout?

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    Donations addition at checkout?


    I'm looking to have an option to add a donation to the order at checkout... i read on another thread that v8 might be having some kind of support for this type of thing. Is this true? If so, how could I do it? It doesn't need to be a seperate page or anything... just a little box where you can type in a donation amount.


    I did this on one site by using the 'Simple Shipping' field and making it Shopper Editable. So people could enter their own charge in there. I then used 'Design | Text' to rename all instances of 'Shipping' as 'Donation Amount'.

    Of course, this would only work on a site where you are not calculating postage, but it is one way to do it.


      Bugger, yeah unfortunately I'm calculating postage based upon cumulative weight... will that not work then?


        No - it's one or the other I'm afriad. The only way to do it is to have a product in the store called 'Donation' and then have a link in the checkout to take people out of the checkout to that product.

        You can then use the fix in the Advanced User Guide on p68 - Going Straight to the Checkout after Adding to Cart - to take people straight back to the checkout afterwards.


          Any thoughts of adding a donations feature to the next version of actinic?

          I would LOVE customers to be able to add a charity donation as they checkout...

