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Bounce login to brochure homepage?

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    Bounce login to brochure homepage?

    Is it possible to bounce a user to the brochure homepage, rather than acatalog after a login?

    Thanks for you help!!

    If you look at p66 of the Advanced User Guide you will see a section called 'Taking People Straight to a Section'

    This shows you a link of the format:


    If you leave off the &NOLOGIN=1 and use %2e%2e%2findex%2ehtml (../index.html) as the value for SECTIONID, it should take people to a login page and then take them to the brochure home page afterwards.


      Hi Chris,
      I have the same request but am not sure where to apply your patch.

      I would like it to go to the home page rather than the Online catalog after a valid login.

      I have changed the login link from:
      <a href="<actinic:variable name="LoginPageURL" />" class="link_cart"><actinic:variable name="LoginText" /></a>

      <a href="" class="link_cart"><actinic:variable name="LoginText" /></a>

      But now it on entering the login page I get:

      "This shopping application requires permission to use cookies on your machine, but this has been denied.

      This can be for several different reasons, but they are all under your control:

      - you may have disallowed cookies altogether in your browser

      - you may have the privacy policy in your browser or internet security software/firewall set to a level that stops cookies from being used by this shopping site

      Cookies in this shopping application are used to keep track of your cart contents, remember names and addresses when you ask for them to be remembered and, when relevant, keep you logged on.

      Cookies are not used in any way that abuses your privacy or security.

      Please change your settings to allow cookies either in your browser or firewall. If you choose not to, I'm afraid that we cannot complete your request."

      I didnt get this error untill making the change above.



        You need to change
        to being your real web address. The solution just uses example data.


          Yes I realised that.
          On the real site i have the real URL I just masked it from the forum as it was a work in progress!

          Is the structure of the rest of the line correct for a login?
          Am I doing it in the correct way?
          Is the problem that a cookie couldnt be stored so the login couldnt set where to go next?


            Try using rather than


              Thanks for that, no longer get the cookie problem, Sorry I thought I would have to try and run the bb script!.

              However it still sends me to the Product catalog home page rather than the Site home page ... could it be because of where the CGi-bin is in relation to the catalog?

     <-where I want to go to
     <- It goes here

              I tried various paths including (all properly encoded of course):

              in web / Network Setup options:
              the "path from cgi-bin to acatalog directory": ../public_html/orders/acatalog/
              Catalog URL:
              Website URL:

              Any ideas?


                The %2e%2e%2findex%2ehtml is the one I would have suggested. It's what I've used in the past.

                It does seem to be different with v8 than it was wiith v7. I'm afraid I don't know how to fix this one. It is probably a perl change so I suggest registering a support question at and ask one of the team to look into it.


                  Thanks Chris.
                  Will do


                    A solution

                    I had the same requirement and managed to get a solution from support. This solution takes the customer to the brochure home page rather than the acatalog home page after a valid login.

                    Use the the following link to get to the login prompt:
                    "" (where x is the script number you are using, which is set in Web_>Network Setup, usually 1 unless you've changed it)

                    Then you need to edit one of the perl script files to get the login page redirected to the brochure home.

                    Find and edit the file

                    Search the file for ACTINIC::CAccLogin();

                    Immediately after the above line insert...

                    if( $::g_InputHash{USER} and $::g_InputHash{HASH} )
                            $::g_InputHash{PRODUCTPAGE} = 
                    $$::g_pSetupBlob{'BROCHURE_MAIN_PAGE'}; $sProdRef = "";
                    Save and Exit

                    Upload the changes, now when you login via the link as above you will be redirected to the brochure home page.
                    Stephen Hoyle

                    Hoyles Electronic Developments

