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Shipping Surcharges query

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    Shipping Surcharges query

    Quick question...

    We are a company that has two shipping destinations.

    1) Mainland UK
    2) Northern Ireland

    For Mainland UK

    1) Next Day Delivery = FREE
    2) Saturday Devliery = £15

    For Northern Ireland

    1) Next Day Delivery = £15
    2) Saturday Devliery = £25

    These are standard charges regardless of weight, value, and anything else. How do I implement this into Actinic, so that when the user goes through the checkout, the firstly select where they are from, and then will choose a type of shipping, so that the following page reflects the shipping charge which is appropriate for their order.

    Help appreciated!
    Sam Davis
    Bright Light Media Ltd


    The first thing you need to do is define 'countries' called 'Mainland UK' and 'Northern Ireland'. You can do this in 'Settings | Locations'. Don't delete any of the other countries.

    Then go into 'Settings | Business Settings | Shipping and Handling'. Then set the 'Calculation basis' to 'By Quantity'.

    You then need to delete the existing zones and classes in the white rectangle in the middle there. Then right-click and select 'New Zone' call it 'Mainland UK' and add the 'Mainland UK' country to it. Then do the same for 'Northern Ireland'.

    Then right-click on your new zone and select 'Add Class | New Class'. Call it 'Next Day Delivery'. Do the same for 'Saturday Delivery'.

    You can then set up the tables of values. Under 'Quanity' enter '1' and under 'Cost' enter the basic cost value (whether that's £15 or £0 or whatever). THen make sure you set 'Excess' to 'Take the highest value in the table' as this ensures a flat rate for all orders.

    I think this should just about do it.


      Thank you for your help - this did it. However, what do I put in the 'code' section for Northern Ireland under Settings > Locations.

      I say this because, for the UK, the code is "UK", however I cannot use the same code for Northern Ireland because when I press OK it says that I cannot use the same country code twice.

      I tried to type in "NI" instead, however I didn't realise this was so important until I made a dummy payment through the HSBC gateway, and it thought I was a resident of Nicaragua!

      So therefore NI is not an option - any advice?
      Sam Davis
      Bright Light Media Ltd


        We are also at this point with HSBC having set up custom countries with our own codes, where most are in the UK (BFPO, Islands, NI, IOM, IOW etc.).

        Is it possible to create states under UK so that they have their own shipping and tax rates but fall under UK for HSBC?
        Blank DVD
        Cloth Nappies


          HSBC only usings country codes, and not state codes, so you you need to keep United Kingdom as 'UK' and then create your sub-areas within the UK as 'States/Provinces'. You can then set up the shipping and tax differently on individual states within 'Business Settings | Shipping and Handling' and 'Business Settings | Tax'


            Brilliant, thanks, was hoping that was the case. Will check it out later.

            By the way Chris, could you have a quick look at my Shipping to a different location thread on this forum please? I'm totally stumped. Guess I need to put in an email to support next.
            Blank DVD
            Cloth Nappies


              Thanks Chris, you've solved my problem
              Sam Davis
              Bright Light Media Ltd


                I am trying to sort out Country/Regions, and have found the solution offered by this thread.
                The problem with using this is it then creates a rather messy mailing address.

                Bear with me...

                Locations set up as:

                country: UK region: mainland UK
                country: UK region: Scottish Highlands
                country: UK region: Northern Ireland

                Customers address is:
                JOE BLOGGS
                31 ANYSTREET
                AN3 1AL

                At checkout, customer identifies his address region as
                country: UK region: mainland UK

                The address therefore ends up as:
                JOE BLOGGS
                31 ANYSTREET
                mainland UK
                AN3 1AL

                ie no facility for customer to enter his correct county as 'ANYCOUNTY'.

                The only option I can see open to me, is to hide the region from the customer (in text options), but this then limits the number of address lines the customer has available (some have VERY long addresses!).

                Any ideas?



                  I can only suggest that you set 'Mainland UK', 'Scottish Highlands' and 'Northern Ireland' as countries themselves rather than 'states' of the 'UK'. Be aware that if you are using HSBC as a PSP then you will not be able to do this.


                    Thanks Tracey
                    That seems to be the best route.
                    As far as you are aware, is it only HSBC who have a problem with vitual countries (mainland, Scottish Highs etc)?



                      Yes it is only HSBC as they require the ISO country code to be passed to them. Other PSPs get the value of the country field.


                        I have a question for Sam at Brightlight (if he's still reading this thread).

                        Took a look at your site and see that when a customer selects one of your customised countries (eg Northern Ireland) at checkout stage 1, this isn't inherited by the address at checkout stage 2 (ie Northern Ireland displays as United Kingdom at stage 2 - as do CI, and mainland).

                        Can I ask how you acheived this


