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Another fatal error

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    Another fatal error

    (File Snapshot.cpp, Line 1617) - Archive error 12 - The zip file open call failed
    Library error - Can not open file C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\SiteBackups\Export.fpf ! has been caught

    Importing a V7 site in V8 resulted in this. Site looks ok but when I try to do a snapshot it fails because it is looking for some V7 files

    This site includes files that are outside the Actinic installation directory.
    On importing the site these files will be delivered to a temporary location within the Actinic installation directory.
    Manual intervention will be required to restore the site after import.

    C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\Act_SectionNavImage.html
    C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\Act_SectionLine_Vert.html

    The site I am working on did not come from site1

    C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\Act_SectionNavImage.html
    C:\Program Files\Actinic v7\Sites\Site1\Act_SectionLine_Vert.html
    It's possible that the crash meant that the references to the section link templates that were in the v7 db were not upgraded correctly to layouts.

    I suggest you try re-importing the snapshot and see if the error happens again.


      suggest you try re-importing the snapshot and see if the error happens again
      Ive been trying for the last 3 hours and am still getting the same message.

      Everything seems to work ok except the snapshot which throws up the errors on importing.

      I had previously upgraded this site with 8.0.2 and it worked ok but I needed to do it again to pick up some work that had been done in the V7 site. All this has started happening since upgrading to 8.0.3.


        Im now getting this:

        There was a problem with the database

        Operation: Executing the query ' SELECT Product.*, [Catalog section].[Section text] INTO tempOrphanDuplicateQuery FROM (Product LEFT JOIN Product AS ProductParent ON Product.sOriginalProdRef = ProductParent.[Product Reference]) LEFT JOIN [Catalog section] ON Product.nParentSectionID = [Catalog section].nSectionID WHERE (((ProductParent.[Product Reference]) Is Null) AND ((Product.nProductType)= 1));'

        Database name: C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\Sites\***\ActinicCatalog

        Table 'tempOrphanDuplicateQuery' already exists.

        Action: Contact your Actinic reseller or Actinic Support as appropriate


          Malcolm - this sounds like a more general problem with the database. I think you need to contact Actinic support and ask them to take a look at the v7 snapshot.



