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Logo Images For Departments

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    Logo Images For Departments

    I need to change the 'Company Logo Image' to a different 'Company Department Logo Image' for groups of web pages that make-up each department.

    I am looking for the easiest way to do this. Any ideas?

    The following is at the top of every page:

    src="<actinic:variable name="CompanyLogoFileName" />"
    width="<actinic:variable name="CompanyLogoWidth" />"
    height="<actinic:variable name="CompanyLogoHeight" />"
    alt="<actinic:variable name="StoreName" />"
    class="logoimage" />

    Could change this on every page, but I am looking for a better solution than this!

    One solution might be to use Actinic's Conditions - but what condition would be suitable?

    Anyone done something similar to this?


    I would imagine that creating separate layouts with the different logos referenced would work. The sections then just need to use their new layout.


      My Solution

      Found my own solution. For those that may be interested in the future here it is.

      If you double click on the variable CompanyLogoFileName in the Library the Edit Variable window is displayed. At the bottom of this window you can enter the name of the file containing your home page logo against 'Initial Value' and 'Top Level Value'. In 'Place Of Setting' tick 'Site' and 'Section'. Also tick 'Allow <Use Parent> as an Option. Click OK.

      Now all 'Section Details' under the 'General' tab have a 'Company Logo Image' selector. These should all initially be set to 'Use Parent'. On the section that you want to be a department, within your online shop, enter the file name of your department logo. This section and all sub-sections will now display your department logo. You can repeat this for all your departments.

      This solution involves no HTML changes and is easy to maintain as the structure of your online shop changes.

      Hope this is of help to someone in the future.

      Regards Gordon

