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Contact us email address

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    Contact us email address

    I am using the contact us form (modified) for our customers.

    All works well now (Thanks Lee)

    The snag is the enquiry emails go to the same address as the order confirmations etc.

    I want the contact us enquiry to go to info@ and the orders to go to test@

    Here is the perl script from
    my @Response = ACTINIC::SendMail($::g_sSmtpServer, $sEmailRecpt, $sSubject, $sTextMailBody, $$::g_pSetupBlob{EMAIL});

    Which bit of this is the email address to send to, as in info@

    Or, is there any setting in Business Settings that allow you to send to 2 different addresses.


    Boy, this is a big learning curve.....and YES I've got my crampons on!


    The order emails can go to a number of different email addresses by separating the email address with a space. i.e. etc.

    This is within business settings and means people on more than one machine can get to know that an order has arrived.


      Thanks Lee but what I actually want is for the checkout emails to go to one address and any enquiries from the contact us page to go to a different address.

      I need to know how I can alter the perl ( so that the contact us email will go to a specific address rather than the one set up in Business|Settings.

      Boy, this is a big learning curve.....and YES I've got my crampons on!


        AHH gotcha. To use a different email address, it will need the username and password for the SMTP settings also included, otherwise i presume it will try and use the ones in network settings. I know sod all on Perl, however on .net you set up the SMTP settings along with username and password and then set the form to use these. There must be a similar thing you can do with Perl.

        Norman would be able to sort this for you, however he may be busy. If you fail to get it sorted, may be worth contacting him direct and seeing how much he will charge to do it for you.


          In fact Mike is this "$::g_sSmtpServer" snippet from your above code not where these settings are input. Can you see this variable declared in the code somewhere with the associated settings or does this import from somewhere else within Actinic?

          Perl may as well be swahili to me and i may be presuming that it acts something like .net or alike. Short of it is that somewhere the smtp settings are declared, whether that be by import or declaration somwhere above in the script. Either changing the fact that it imports the settings or knowing how to input them directly into the script will be the solution here IMO.


            I have managed to find all the details I need to make this work.

            I have set up a new variable in Perl called 'Contemail' which is the address I actually want the enquiry mail to go to, I have, like Lee says the smtp server address in "$::g_sSmtpServer"

            I just need to put it all together so that the email is sent to the address in 'Contemail' rather than that set in Business|Settings

            This is the current Perl script that actuially sends the email:

            my @Response = ACTINIC::SendMail($::g_sSmtpServer, $$::g_pSetupBlob{EMAIL}, $sSubject, $sTextMailBody, $sEmailRecpt, $sAddressline1, $sRoad, $sTown, $sCounty, $sPostcode, $sPhone, $sAnitype, $sAnibreed, $sAniweight, $sWhatfood, $sMuchfood, $sMaillist, $sWherehear, $sAniage, $sNeutered);

            Does anyone know how I can get this to send to 'Contemail' instead?

            I think there is something in 'ACTINIC::SendMail' that declares the send-to address.

            Boy, this is a big learning curve.....and YES I've got my crampons on!


              It's difficult to know exactly where the info for the sendmail comes from as it seems to be using some Actinic Variables that I cannot find.

              Looking through the and files on the server they are populated with the smtp server address and all the parts for an email to be sent apart form the one bit I want to change!!!

              I believe that the pl files on the server are generated from and are then called from mailform.html.

              In Business Settings|Company Contact the email address is set at test@burns.... this is where all emails will be sent, orders and enquiries.

              I really don't want the sales team having to deal with enquiries that should be dealt with by our nutritionists. We would like the contact emails to be sent to info@burns....

              There really does not seem to be a way of setting that email address via the contactus form. I have created a hidden input called Contemail which is picked up by and as a test I can display it in emails that I send from the contact us form. But I just cannot see where this address can be inserted into the perl script ACTINIC::SendMail() in order to get it to go to info@

              The basics are already there and can easily be changed:

              $::g_sSmtpServer is the smtp server and can be altered
              $sEmailRecpt is the sender email from the form
              $sSubject is the subject from the form etc. etc.

              I've even tried $$::g_pSetupBlob{EMAIL}

              But all I can get from that is the value HASH(0x1990f34)

              I've been through the knowledge base, searched through every thread and cannot find any reference to this in any version of Actinic.

              I'm sure it would be very useful to others as having both orders and enquiries going to the same email address is a bit inconveinient.....or am I being picky ;-)

              Mike.....losing hair rapidly
              Boy, this is a big learning curve.....and YES I've got my crampons on!


                For a bit more info, I found this from a tutorial on the web:

                open ( MAIL, "| /usr/lib/sendmail -t" );
                print MAIL "From: $email_address\n";
                print MAIL "To: webmaster\\n";
                print MAIL "Subject: Form Submission\n\n";
                print MAIL "$comments\n";
                print MAIL "\n.\n";
                close ( MAIL );

                This is a very basic Perl mail script that will send an email using some variables.

                I guess that 'sendmail' is available on all smtp servers and is used by Actinic in the script - ACTINIC::SendMail but why is it ACTINIC::SendMail, is that a special Actinic variable??

                I am continuing this quest........

                Boy, this is a big learning curve.....and YES I've got my crampons on!

