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Sticky Wish List

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    Sticky Wish List

    Could I make a request for a permanantly established wish list, in one of the following forms:

    1) a seperate forum section, just devoted to the wish list

    2) a wish list sticky at the top of each relevant section

    3) a permanant link (underneath 'Got a qusetion? Try the Knowledge Base') at the top of the page

    This would encourage more participation - make it easier to find what has already been requested - and surely make it easier for Actinic to guage the level of feeling over a particular item.

    What we really need is for the wish list to be published on the Actinic website and where registered users can vote for features - another wish list on the forum will soon go the way of the other wish list threads.


      Martin there are a number of things that could be done to improve the forum, however the guys and gals that would like to do this do not have the control to do so. Some simple stickied threads for new users would be of great help also.

      I hope something improves in this area personally and certain members of the forum are given a little bit moe control in here, especially as they are the foundation of it anyway.


        What we really need is for the wish list to be published on the Actinic website and where registered users can vote for features
        That is what my option 3) was intended as.
        It needs an obvious link from the forums though - the Actinic support site is not as well frequented (at a guess).


          another wish list on the forum will soon go the way of the other wish list threads.
          my thoughts exactly - which is why it needs to have a fixed location


            I think we will probably go ahead and implement this.

            But the big thing to keep in mind is that although the wish list is a vital source of information for us - and it is always used in every product management discussion - it is only one input into the discussions about how we take Actinic forward. We also have to take into account market trends, developments in technology, changes in the law, advances in competitors etc. etc.

            So if I get people posting onto the wish list saying "This feature has been on the wish list for a year now - why haven't you done it yet?" it is tough to explain to people that a wish list is never going to be the final arbiter of product development.

            However, I can definitely reassure you that looking through the wish list, and this forum, is a frequent activity undertaken by Actinic management and we consider everything suggested here.


              I think we will probably go ahead and implement this.
              Nice one Chris - whos says Actinic dont listen to us!

              But the big thing to keep in mind is that although the wish list is a vital source of information for us - and it is always used in every product management discussion
              I think we all understand that and accept it - but it will be nice to see what is on the list and how many people actually want a particular feature.


                Cool - I just need to check a few things with the team, and I'll do it later this week.


                  we got this yet a couple to add mate

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                    Behold the wish list forum!




                      nice one Chris,

