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'Logged In' Price layout

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    'Logged In' Price layout


    Where is the price layout for customers who are logged in. The new design area in v8 is great, i.e. being able to click on bits to see where they are. But there should probably be a 'logged in' page type for situations like this so you can see whats going on.

    Thanks for your help!


    I may be wrong Steve as i have not used accounts yet, however i believe the price to be driven by a variable, not a separate layout. In other words, there will be an if statement saying (in lehman terms):

    If the customer is logged in, show this price, if not then show the normal. A "Block If" would be my guess, however i am sure this post will ripped apart and we can both learn something on this.


      You must be right. This is very strange though. I went through all the layouts in design, library, layouts, price lists + prices. When you are logged out they are used, but when logged in none of them are!

      Anyone got an ideas?


        I would start in the design tab by having a product showing and selecting the price and seeing the code around that area. I find the design far more useful.


          Yep, did that first but couldn't find anything useful. So I went through what seems to be all price layouts and none of them are used. Very confused. The only thing I can think is that it is set in the perl scripts.



            Right, i've worked something out.

            <Actinic:PRICES PROD_REF="<actinic:variable name="ProductReference" />" RETAIL_PRICE_PROMPT="<Actinic:Variable Name="ProductPriceDescription"/>">
            <actinic:variable name="PriceListRetail" />
            If logged in, this code shows the retail + trade prices. If not, the code in between the tags is used i.e. the Retail Price.

            So is it possbile to change the way this works? At the moment, if you aren't logged in, you get the retail price including vat.

            If logged in, you get the retail price excluding vat and the trade price excluding vat. What we are trying to do is show the retail price including vat and trade price excluding vat.

            Thinking about it, if I change the above code to.

            <actinic:variable name="PriceListRetail" />
            <Actinic:PRICES PROD_REF="<actinic:variable name="ProductReference" />" RETAIL_PRICE_PROMPT="<Actinic:Variable Name="ProductPriceDescription"/>">
            The including vat retail price will always be shown. But at the moment still with the retail excluding vat price and the trade price. So if there is a setting to not show retail price when logged in, that should work...


              Ok, got it.

              Use the above code to always show retail price. Then open in notepad.

              Search for..... Show the retail price

              Comment out the line below, put a # at the start so it becomes.

              #$$sInsideText = $Response[2];
              Hope this helps someone.




                Hi Steve

                Thanks for this - I'll write it up and add it to the Advanced User Guide.

