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    site settings

    Is it possible to change the settings so that you remain on the same page if you add something to the cart.

    Many thanks

    Fashion Jewellery Wholesale - Glitzy Jewels

    You can have a single add to cart per page, so you can input how many of each item you want on the page and then click add to cart. is that what you are after?


      Not really, we would like to have 10 items per page with an add button for each. Once a quantity has been selected and the add button pressed we want to stay on that page rather than going to the cart summary.


      Fashion Jewellery Wholesale - Glitzy Jewels


        To be honest i'm not sure if that is easily possible as the single add to cart is to cater for that. The script that sits behind the add to cart button could be changed i guess however this would involve some script changes and i cannot guarantee that it definitely could be done, hopefully someone has done this and can point you in the right direction.

        I remember vaguely a previous post asking for something similar, however they agreed that the single add to cart was the best option as the script changes and the work involved and the extra admin were not worth the hassle.

        Is it the directing to cart summary and then the auto redirect back to the page that you dont like? Can i ask why the single cart button is not suitable here, so i can get a better picture of what you are trying to achieve?


          "Is it the directing to cart summary and then the auto redirect back to the page that you dont like?"

          I'm quite happy with a single add button but its the directing to cart which I dont particularly want.


          Fashion Jewellery Wholesale - Glitzy Jewels


            Well it must be possible through script changes i would have thought and i guess emailing Norman may be your best starting point.

            Far be it for me to tell you what to have, but can i just mention that make sure this is something your users will benefit from, not just something you dislike. The cart summary acts as a confirmation for your users and from this screen they can also go direct to checkout if they have finished. In short, it is something expected and not something they will be affected by.

            On V7 i recall that you can have a miniature cart summary on your pages so they can always see what they have ordered and how much etc. To update this without using the normal structure would have to involve some script work.

            If you are adamant you want this, i would suggest contacting Norman for a price to do this. I am not 100% sure that this cannot be done easily, however i'm sure i've never read anything that has done this.


              Was this 'feature' ever resolved, as I see it as a major drawback within actinc, especially not being able to customise it. Has no one at Actinic ever shopped at Dabs or Play or any other online store?


                I see it as a major drawback within actinc
                Dont buy Actinic then

