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Associated Products lists

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    Associated Products lists

    I have set up related products and, as planned, a list appears on the cart page. The questions are. Can this be made to look a bit more sexy. It is just a list at the moment, Can I have a thumnail or some bigger text with say, a part of the description. This latter point would need to be some type of automatic parsing

    Hi Derek

    It's possible to include a thumbnail image in the list - you will see within the layout that there is this commented out line:
    <!-- <Actinic:REMOVE TAG="ImageLine"><img src="<actinic:variable name="Thumbnail" />" <actinic:variable name="ThumbnailSize" /> /></Actinic:REMOVE> -->
    It's not possible to include a full description though, as this information is not available to the perl scripts.


      It's possible to include a thumbnail image in the list
      Is it possible to make this a resized product image rather than a thumbnail (bit like the best sellers side bar resizes) - I have several huge sites and I want to avoid having to make thumbnails


        Hi there

        The AUG has Norman resize php script, so maybe trying to adapt that to the associated product list. The associated product list can use a product image rather than the thumbnail, so all that is left is to write a script to resize them.

        Kind Regards
        Nadeem Rasool
        SellerDeck Development


          Thanks everyone, I have got this to work now but it is a bit scruffy. The thumbnail doesn't line up with the text, and there are only two choioces shown. I have 3 added to the product. Any suggestions please


            Can you please copy and paste the HTML of your associated product item layout to a post in this thread? A screenshot would also be invaluable.


              Sorry for the delay in getting back to you after your suggestion. A friend of mine has also had a look at this and we have now got the products on there and an Orange graphic to match the site. Unfortunately it refuses to display three products and I can't seem to get it in row. I think the code has been savaged and we may have cut too much out. I can't send a screenshot as i don't know how to include onto a page here. The Website address is and go to shop. The only product with products added is the primo mask in the mask section.

              The code for layout "related products in Shopping cart is below
              <!-- Related Products list begin-->
              <Actinic:REMOVE TAG="RelatedProductLine">

              <div class="titlehighlight">Related Products</div>
              <!-- Also bought list row begin-->
              <Actinic:XMLTEMPLATE NAME="RelatedProductLine">
              <p><Actinic:Variable Name="ProductNameOnline"/></p>
              <Actinic:REMOVE TAG="ImageLine"><img src="<actinic:variable name="Thumbnail" />" <actinic:variable name="ThumbnailSize" /> /></Actinic:REMOVE><br />
              <a href="<actinic:variable name="SearchCGIURL" />?PRODREF=<Actinic:Variable Name="ProdRef"/>&amp;NOLOGIN=1<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22HiddenFields%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22">&amp;SHOP=<Actinic:Variable Name="HiddenFields"/></actinic:block>">find out more</a>

              <hr />
              <!-- Related products list end-->

              I hope you can hlep. Also related the "find out more" linkage seems to move when you go back and forward from page to page

              Thanks again


                Hi Derek

                OK, first of all you need to check that you have allowed the shopping cart list to display 3 products in 'Marketing | Related Products'. Then make sure you have three related products in the list in the 'Marketing' tab of the product.

                For the list itself, try this alternative code:
                <!-- Related Products list begin-->
                <Actinic:REMOVE TAG="RelatedProductLine">
                <div class="titlehighlight">Related Products</div>
                <!-- Also bought list row begin-->
                <table width="100%" border="0">
                <Actinic:XMLTEMPLATE NAME="RelatedProductLine">
                <p><Actinic:Variable Name="ProductNameOnline"/></p>
                <p><Actinic:REMOVE TAG="ImageLine"><img src="<actinic:variable name="Thumbnail" />" <actinic:variable name="ThumbnailSize" /> /></Actinic:REMOVE></p>
                <p><a href="<actinic:variable name="SearchCGIURL" />?PRODREF=<Actinic:Variable Name="ProdRef"/>&amp;NOLOGIN=1<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22HiddenFields%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22">&amp;SHOP=<Actinic:Variable Name="HiddenFields"/></actinic:block>">find out more</a></p>
                <hr />
                <!-- Related products list end-->


                  is it possible to use a resized version of the main product image in this layout?
                  I've played around with it a bit and I keep getting "out of context" coding errors

                  I use the following in my related products layout in the store pages

                  <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ProductThumbnailImageFileName%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22">
                  	<img style="border: 0;" src="<actinic:variable name="ProductThumbnailImageFileName" />" width="75" alt="<actinic:variable encoding="strip" name="ProductName" />" />
                  <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ProductThumbnailImageFileName%22%20%2f%3e%20%3d%3d%20%22%22">
                  					<img style="border: 0;" src="<actinic:variable name="ProductImageFileName" />" width="75" alt="<actinic:variable encoding="strip" name="ProductName" />" />
                  which basically uses a thumbnail, where available, otherwise it resizes the main image.

                  I can't find a way to do this in the related products in the cart though without getting a whole load of coding it possible?


                    Hi cdicken,

                    I have copied and pasted this code in the Related Products in shopping cart layout. Please see the screen grab. Is there a fix for this??


                    Attached Files





                      Robert, I assume it's the lack of photos that's the problem?
                      do you have thumbnails entered for those products?


                        Yes, thumbnails are showing on the catalog page, that is what i used to test it. I did not do any modifications to the code not input thumbnails. When i put the info into the related products, it came up with a thumbnail on its own. i would think this would happen in the cart. Seems to be a typo because part of a tag is showing.







                          I have to admit, I've fiddled with the code quite a bit to get it to look right
                          I'm uploading at the minute, but I'll post my code (budget bumps site, if you want to see how it looks) when it's finished uploading


                            I sure would, BTY, I reverted back to factory default for the layout and upped it.

                            When you mean thumbnails, I have not a one on my site. The layout shrunk it down from the product image it seems.






                              ahh..that's probably why it doesn't work then.
                              I've tried using a "resized product image" in this layout and it doesn't work. It needs to take the thumbnail from the "thumbnail image" in the product.

                              ok...this is the full "Related Products in Shopping Cart" layout that I'm using

                              <!-- Related Products list begin-->
                              <Actinic:REMOVE TAG="RelatedProductLine">
                              <table width="<actinic:variable name="ACTSTDWIDTH" />" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" border="0">
                                    <th align="center" colspan="2" class="cartheading" style="color:<actinic:variable name="Palette1" />";><strong>Some Related Products:</strong></th>
                              <!-- Also bought list row begin-->
                              <table width="600" border="0">
                              <Actinic:XMLTEMPLATE NAME="RelatedProductLine">
                              <td width="150">
                              <a href="<actinic:variable name="SearchCGIURL" />?PRODREF=<Actinic:Variable Name="ProdRef"/>&amp;NOLOGIN=1<actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22HiddenFields%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22">&amp;SHOP=<Actinic:Variable Name="HiddenFields"/></actinic:block>">
                              <p><actinic:variable name="ProductName" /></p>
                              <p><Actinic:REMOVE TAG="ImageLine"><img border="0" src="<actinic:variable name="Thumbnail" />" <actinic:variable name="ThumbnailSize" />  title="<actinic:variable name="ProductName" />" alt="<actinic:variable name="ProductName" />"/></Actinic:REMOVE></p>
                              <p>find out more</a></p>
                              <hr align="left" width="600" />
                              <!-- Related products list end-->
                              obviously, you'll need to edit widths etc to fit your site but you can see the end result on my (budget bumps) website.
                              It's probably not great code, I don't know. I'm still learning and tend to go with "whatever works" LOL

                              don't forget to back up before you fiddle though

                              right, I'm off to bed! have fun

