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Snapshot advice

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    Snapshot advice


    After some advice relating to exporting a snapshot, working on it on another pc, then sending it back.

    Basically a friend has a v8 catalog that he wants me to do SEO on (title, desc, keywords). I spoke to Actinic and they told me to get him to export a snapshot of the site, then I import it on my PC, do the SEO and then export and send back.

    I tried this but there was no imagery when I imported it on mine - is this normal? I didnt want to send him back something that would overwrite and delete stuff from his site.

    If someone could post a little guide that I could follow I would be eternally grateful.

    Basically looking for how to do this correctly:

    1. Export the site
    2. Import to another PC
    3. Add in SEO (I can do this bit, seemed to work ok)
    4. Export with keywords etc
    5. Import site to original PC.

    Thanks for any help, its really appreciated.


    Have the images not come over as they are not in his site1 folder, if so your snapshot will not effect anything. Besides he will also have the snapshot that he sent you i presume so you will have the necessary means to revert if a problem.

    What Actinic told you is correct. I would be very worried if they are advising incorrectly! On the reimport just be careful if the site is live that you do not import the orders off your snapshot, select to exclude them when being imported.


      hehe, just wanted it clarifying really.

      I get an error when exporting it, it also mentions content, orders or all. i wasnt sure which to pick on this either. im worried about overwriting orders also.

      is there a way to for him to just send me the site stucture so i can add in the seo and then fire it back to him?

      something doesnt feel quite right when im doing it, hence me panicking/asking here


        If the site is live, his copy of Actinic will contain orders (the new ones since he snapshotted), which your copy will not. When he imports your copy with the seo completed, he needs to make sure that he doesnt overwrite his current orders with the orders off your snapshot as he will lose any of the new ones etc.

        As for errors on the snapshot, i have no idea, depends on what they are and whether they existed before you started. If they didn't then it might be something you have done. Only you will know this.


          thanks m8,

          when i open the software I get the following message:
          system supplied design has been changed. would you like to upgrade to the latest version?

          1. do not upgrade my site design
          2. add revised design elements to the library without affecting the current site appearance and operation
          3. upgrade my site design

          any ideas what this means? apologies for the (stupid) questions but I cant find any info relating to stuff like this on the site.

          thanks again


            That sounds like a version 7 snapshot being imported into version 8 software. If it is (or even it isn't) select the option that keeps everything as it is. If you upgrade it or alike you could end up with a serious nightmare. (i.e. DO NOT UPGRADE)


              yeh I thought it could be something like that.

              One final question, am i right in thinking that he can just revert back to his old site should anything go wrong but importing his original snapshot?


                if the "but" in your last post means "by" then yes, as long as he got a confirmation that the snapshot was successful. You have a copy and he has a copy also, so there should be no worries. Even if there is, just snapshot the site (on his pc) before you try and import your one.


                  he MUST take a FULL snapshot BEFORE applying your's this way, if your snapshot fails to produce the desired results, then he can still re-apply his own safe copy to re-instate the system the way it was before you attempted to upgrade his (if this makes sense)


                    yeh that makes sense. so tell him to take a new snapshot before applying the one ive done just in case.

                    thanks for the help lads, really appreciated


                      When i import his snapshot I get this summary:

                      The operation was completed successfully.
                      Files referenced within Actinic (for instance product and section images) which are not located in the current site directory "Site1" have been included in the backup. These files will be restored into the site directory when imported into Actinic. This means that the locations of the files will need to be manually amended after importing.

                      I take it should just ok this and leave as is?


                        Looks like he is referencing images outside of his site1 folder, which cannot be picked up on your pc. Once it is reimported onto his pc they will hopefully pick back up. You will have snapshots if any problems, it may be worth looking at the log (if one was produced) to have an idea on what areas there may be a problem and just check them once you reimport.

