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Interesting Question ?? about updating all product URL links in one go (Please Help ?

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    Interesting Question ?? about updating all product URL links in one go (Please Help ?

    Hi all,

    Can any help with this subject. At present i am deciding on a new domain name whilst testing Actinic 8 tial. I am inputting all my products, prices and info etc. This is taking quite a while but i must go on.

    At present i have a hosting package with a domain name which im am using to upload the site and test everything works.

    What i intend to do is buy a new name for my new company with a hosting package when its all complete and i have decided on a name etc..

    One question. On some of the products i will be selling i will be putting in a URL link to an instruction page with pictures etc.. the URL link at the moment is pointing to my testing domain name and server as mentioned above eg.. which works fine i might add.

    (please note that the above is not the real web url link its just showing you an example).

    I am then obviousley using the copy and paste method for creating new products and then just renaming and changing prices etc.. etc..

    So for my question in the end when i have finished and got my new domain name sorted and uploaded, because i have copied and pasted many products all of the info URL links will be identical which is ok, BUT still pointing to my info and pictures URL link on the test server. Is there a way to update all these links to the new domain URL link which i will be uploading onto the new server when i have it of course without having to go into each product one by one and changing it manually. Can this be changed in the database file ??

    You may be asking why not just get the new domain name then design the site. The reason is because i cant find the right business name yet and it proving time consuming so i thought id get on with building the site first.

    Its an unusual question so i hope you all understand what i have wrote.

    Awaiting your replys


    So you are putting static links into your site at the moment and the link will have to change and you do not want to go into them all manually after you decide on a name to change them to?

    Theres a few options:

    1 - Don't do any more links until you have sorted out the company name, after all they work, you know that, so use the time to work on the name first. Post a thread in this forum for suggestions - that may help.

    2 - Create a variable that contains the link and include the link information into the variable. Once you have everything complete, export your products into excel for example and do a find/replace on that field and then import them back in.

    3 - Tread carefully in access and do a global replace in there.



      After writing the thread i found the URL links in the access MDB file so all i need to do is edit and put in the new URL links in palce of the old ones using copy and paste.

      Thanks for your advise


