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Website users cannot get to PayPal screen

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    Website users cannot get to PayPal screen


    When I go to add an item to the basket and then view the checkout I am able to enter all necessary personal details before being asked to click on the paypal button to pay for the item. When I do this the website just takes me back to the last page I viewed within the catalogue.

    Can you tell me how I resolve this problem?

    I have entered all my PayPal details within Actinic and uploaded the settings to the website. I have also tested this in IE and Firefox and get the exact same problem.

    I have tried several times and rebooted but am always taken back to the last page I visited before the checkout.

    I have also asked a friend to try on his AOL account, on this laptop and he gets the exact same problem.

    The host company have advised there is not a problem from their end.

    Any suggestions of where to go from here?



    For anyone else who may get this problem, I have been given the following solution from Actinic telephone support. I presume this could be adapted for similar problems with other payment methods.

    The template was corrupted, replacing that with the original template fixed the problem. Go to "C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\OCCUpgrade\CommonOCC",copy "Act_OCCPayPalTemplate.html" and paste it in "C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC". Do a "Web|Refresh Website" and the problem will be resolved.




      I'm having the EXACT same problem. It's a bug by the looks of things. Like the poster above me, the checkout allows the buyers to enter all their details but upon clicking on the link to the PayPal checkout, a 'Page Not Found' error occurs.

      Strangely enough though, if I click BACK in my browser and click REFRESH and RETRY, the PayPal checkout THEN loads. This is no good however as my customers aren't to know this.


        Are you both using standard actinic templates or have they been modified - I ask because I have several sites working Ok with Paypal.


          Just the standard templates. In my case anyhow.


            Just the standard templates
            Interesting - thanks for the heads up.




              I replaced all the PL and PM files with the original files and...the checkout worked!!!

              However, upon updating my site with new information/products etc, the checkout then fails...

              Any ideas?


                Try a purge and refresh - see what happens. Who is the host?


                  I'm with Freeola.

                  I've purged and refreshed. Now it seems to not be able to make it's mind up if it wants to work or not - sometimes it's fine, sometimes it's not.

                  I've been doing a little test placing dummy orders for random amounts. It's perhaps pure coincidence but if the total of the order is over a certain amount then it seems to fail at the checkout...

                  I'm confuddled. lol.


                    ERROR 500, Problem Running a Script...

                    A scripting/config error prevents the server from showing this page

                    Any ideas?


                      A scripting/config error prevents the server from showing this page
                      Theres the answer - its a hosting problem. Free hosting is a definate no no in my books. I refues to build sites that are on free hosting as they dont work correctly and google hates free hosting.

                      IMO you should move host - dont get me started on hosting Search and you will find lots of recent threads.


                        Originally posted by RuralWeb
                        Theres the answer - its a hosting problem. Free hosting is a definate no no in my books. I refues to build sites that are on free hosting as they dont work correctly and google hates free hosting.

                        IMO you should move host - dont get me started on hosting Search and you will find lots of recent threads.
                        Wow, lol...cheers mate, much appreciated!

