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Adding more than one image to home (index.html) page

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    Adding more than one image to home (index.html) page

    Hi all

    Can anyone tell me if its possible and if so how to add more than one image to the home page ?? You have the option to use the General tab which offers you the change to add an image which works fine but i need several images on my home page.

    I know its possible to add more images using an external editing software like frontpage or dreamweaver but is it possible to do it within actinic itself. The reason i ask is if i do it in say frontpage it works ok but when i make any other changes back in actinic later and them preview it, it seems to overwrite the changes i made in front page and reverts back to the original layout.

    One more question how do i change the font size and colour for the products Prices. Can seem to see how this is done

    Thanks again

    Ditch FrontPage - it will just get you into trouble. Better to use Actinic itself. Adding anything to the home page within Actinic is easy. First read the Guides linked from the New Users sticky at the top of this forum, then the Help contained within Actinic, then add and configure Fragments that include images.
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