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Offering Delivery Methods to Customers in Different Formats

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    Offering Delivery Methods to Customers in Different Formats

    I can find how to do this for payment methods (in Advanced User Guide) but not for delivery.

    Basically instead of the delivery options being a drop down list I want it to be radio buttons
    David Mawson
    Phoenix Trading - Wholesale confectionery suppliers

    This one's a Perl change I'm afraid - but nothing too scary.

    Open up '' from within your 'ShipControl' folder

    Look for this line
    $sSelectHTML = "<SELECT ID='lstClass' NAME='ShippingClass'>\n";
    Change it to
    # $sSelectHTML = "<SELECT ID='lstClass' NAME='ShippingClass'>\n";
    Next, look for this line
    $sSelectHTML .= "</SELECT>\n";
    and replace it with
    # $sSelectHTML .= "</SELECT>\n";
    Next, look for
    'SELECTED ':
    and replace it with
    'checked="checked" ':
    Finally, look for
    $sSelectHTML .= sprintf("<OPTION %s Value='%s'>%s\n",
    and replace it with
    $sSelectHTML .= sprintf("<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ShippingClass\" %s value=\"%s\">%s<br />\n",



      thanks for this I will try it now

      am i right in thinking that if i make these perl changes I will have to make them again when I upgrade from 8.02 to 8.04 (when released)
      David Mawson
      Phoenix Trading - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


        Yes - you probably would have to re-apply these changes.


          I am going to have a go doing this but have fallen at the 1st hurdle!

          I have located the

          '' from within the 'ShipControl' folder but when i try to open this is get a pop out box saying 'windows can't open file - what do I choose and need - the web service or installed programs?

          I have no knowledge of html but can copy & paste etc and don't like to be beaten.

          I looked at the AUG page 76 but didn't know were to look or the Phase i ID number.

          Which was would be best for me to try?



            Hi Joy,

            You can open perl files in notepad. Good luck and remember to take a backup of the file before you edit it.


              No default No Radio Buttons But Froced To Check

              I Have changed my Shipping options to Radio Buttons, Free 2nd Class & £1.00 for 1st Class post.

              I would like to default to 1st class but if it select, this option it shows up in the 'shopping basket' which I don't want either, because I advertise as free shipping so customers may drop out at this stage before they proceed to the checkout and discover they can change it.

              So, the next best thing is to force customers to choose which shipping method they would like - how do I change the radio buttons so there is no default but still force customers to choose an option before proceeding to the next page.

              I have found this thread but it is for shipping addresses & I can't do html (just a bit of paste & copy!!! LOL)


              Or any other suggestions would be helpful.



                It's detailed in the AUG how to have your shipping options as radio buttons, see if you can manage that part first. If not, then leave it well alone. Why you want to overcomplicate the issue is beyond me anyway, free delivery is a big plus, why try and hide it, show it at all stages in the process and make it the default option. Delivery is the largest cause of abandoned carts, so stop playing games with it IMO, you either want to offer free delivery or you don't.



                  The AUG shows in detail how to change your PAYMENT METHODS to radio buttons, sorry I can't find any details for shipping options.

                  BUT what part of

                  I Have changed my Shipping options to Radio Buttons, Free 2nd Class & £1.00 for 1st Class post.
                  do you not understand??

                  I agree free delivery is a big plus, but as a retailer it is always nice when the customer would like to choose the option of a faster delivery method (for a small fee) to recoup some of the postage cost incurred. By changing to Radio Buttons and asking customers to choose I would just like to encourage this is a gentle way!


                    Originally posted by CraftyJoy
                    The AUG shows in detail how to change your PAYMENT METHODS to radio buttons, sorry I can't find any details for shipping options.
                    Mine has "Displaying Shipping Options as Radio Buttons" on P127, can you not see that?

                    Originally posted by CraftyJoy
                    BUT what part you not understand??
                    All of it, it would seem, completely missed it.

                    Originally posted by CraftyJoy
                    I agree free delivery is a big plus, but as a retailer it is always nice when the customer would like to choose the option of a faster delivery method (for a small fee) to recoup some of the postage cost incurred. By changing to Radio Buttons and asking customers to choose I would just like to encourage this is a gentle way!
                    When thinking of these ideas, try and put yourself in the shoes of the customer, not the site owner who wants to save a few quid, you'll make far more correct decisions.


                      AUG shows - info on Marching Plurals in the Search & searching on Keywords this is latest download, my hard copy version is different agian.

                      Perhaps you need to download the latest version and we can start our spat again - because you have still not answered my question!!!!!!!!!!


                        I gave you the title of the entry also, if your AUG does not have the entry on the said page, then use a bit of CS and search for the title instead. The page number can change across AUGs, the title will not - simple really.


                          Lee Read the question again - I didn't ask you to find it me!


                            Anyway as you can't seem to be able to read from my previous post I HAVE done this - and it works!

                            I know my customers and as my site is hobby based I know that as soon as new products are released these ladies want things - like all us ladies - yesterday - therefore are willing to pay a little extra for 1st Class post, so once again


                            can you point me in the right direction for removing the default and forcing the customer to select which option they require rather the site just defaulting to 2nd class post.


                              With all your shouting, exclaiming and instructions being fired, too right I have lost the aim of your posts. The best answer for you is probably a little more Gin and a little less tonic.

