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Page Name bypass extention in v8

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    Page Name bypass extention in v8

    I am still new to v8. Today I met a bug:
    If I set a page name's extention in catalog other than .html, say .php, v8 does not generate the correct filename for me. e.g. if i set a page name "aproduct.php", v8 generates a page named "aprodcut.html"!

    php extention for filename works fine in v7. so i suppose it's a new bug in v8. does anyone meet this problem before?

    Hi An

    It works for me in my copy of 8.0.3. What version of Actinic are you using? This is a bug that is fixed in one of the maintenance releases of v8. You can check your version in 'Help | About...' and download an upgrade from


      hi, chris,

      just downloaded 8.0.3.

      yes u r right. this bug is already fixed. i didn't know that. i spent one day changing filenames in actinic and adjusting the server.

      thanks for telling me that.

      i comeup with another difficulty: how to select multi products/sections and change some value at one go, e.g. change the layout. at this version i can only change value one by one even multi products/sections are hightlighted. sometimes i had to operate on database directly to save time, but i know it's a bit risky because my knowledge of actinic data structure is very limited.

      awaiting 8.0.4, ....


        Itit is possible to set the layout of a product at the section level, and set all the products within that section to 'Use Parent' - that way, it is possible to change the layouts of all the products in a section in one go.

