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Changes to email that customer gets

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    Changes to email that customer gets


    I am sure this is somewhere obvious but I can't seem to find it.

    My order emails are going out to my customers with the following email title:

    Order xxxxx

    But I want them to say

    D for Dog Order xxxxx

    Where do I make that change please?

    I also want to add some text to the order emails and remove my address. How do I do that please?



    Design / Library / Layouts / Email Outer Layout / Customer Email
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Thank you very much.

      Right... gonk... I have never seen that little lot before. Do I just delete the lines I don't want then? It all looks a bit technical in there.

      And I am really sorry but I still can't see where to change the email title/subject


        Hi there

        Th nice thing about the library is if you make a mistake, you can right-click on a layout in the library and select 'Revert To Factory Settings' and it will just put it back the way it was before.

        Anyway, if you want to remove the address info, just delete from Line 22 onwards.

        With regards to the email subject, go to 'Design | Text' and click the 'Go to' button at the bottom left. In the 'ID' field enter '234'. This takes you to a prompt that says 'Order Number:' which you can edit as required.


          Oh, thank you very much. Great instructions

          I have done those things. Just waiting now to see if it has worked OK. Thank you for your help


            OK, it has worked.... sort of.

            As well as removing the address and changing the email subject, I wanted to add a piece of text to the end of the order email. This has added successfully but I am getting </actinic:block> showing at the end of the email.

            So now the customers email looks like this:

            order details blah blah blah

            D for Dog

            00356 21 228 859

            Returns and Exchanges: Please email us first, stating your order number and the reason for the return or exchange. We will issue you with a relevant returns address, if applicable. Thank you.

            If you are happy with your purchase and/or the level of customer service offered by D for Dog, please let us know via our Customer Feeback page. Thank you.

            Any ideas why that </actinic:block> bit is showing at the bottom please?

            Many thanks,



              Because you have left it in there when you made the deletions more than likely.



                Thanks for your reply.

                I only deleted about 4 address lines near the end, so why would I also need to delete the bit that says </actinic:block> which was already there so I left it there. I am confused.


                  Because on one of the lines you deleted, there would have been <actinic:block> which would have opened the tag. Thie bit you are left with is the closing tag. To remove something, you need to take it all.


                    OK, that makes sense thanks. I didn't notice when I deleted stuff

                    Looking at it again it now says:




                    Now that last </actinic:block> refers to the opening block if line, doesn't it? So am I removing the extra /block that comes after the Email line, do you think?


                      Jenny, it's very hard for me to know excatly what you have done or what you are looking at from here. Its a common thing when you have an errant closing tag apearing somewhere that it's opening tag has been deleted or the closing tag is doubled up. That is normal in this kind of situation.

                      When i encounter a problem like this, i am never 100% sure, what i suggest for this (and future problems) is before you do anythign to the layout, copy it all into notepad and then make the changes. If the changes do not work, copy the original back from notepad and start again. DO NOT be scared to touch anything, that is what most of us have to do each and every day. The IMPORTANT thing is to ensure you can always go back if it does not work.

                      I would personally remove the bottom line of the text that you have provided and see if it works. If it doesn't, put it back in again and investigate further. If i tell you "yes" that will solve it and it doesn't, then you are annoyed and you have wasted 30/40/50 minutes on the process (wating for reply etc.), whereas by trying it yourself (with suitable methods to return it if it goes wrong) will take about 5 minutes flat.


                        Yes, I understand. I should have taken a copy first

                        I will delete that line or another to see which solves it.

                        Many thanks for all your help.


                          As a hardened SGML person I never deleted any SGML/HTML/XML code in an application, particularly in Actinic (it can bite you in the ass later). Instead I always comment out.



                          commented out:


                          You can also comment out a section of HTML like this:


                          Commenting out Javascript:

                          alert "this is an alert"

                          commented out:

                          //alert "this is an alert"


                          my ($sEmailRecpt, $sSubject, $sTextMailBody, $sName, $sMessage, $sHTML);

                          commented out:

                          #my ($sEmailRecpt, $sSubject, $sTextMailBody, $sName, $sMessage, $sHTML);

                          I have, for year advocated the use of comments in code so that if all else fails you can revert to the 'bit that works' without actually needing to delete anything.

                          Boy, this is a big learning curve.....and YES I've got my crampons on!


                            That is a great idea.

                            Thank you.


                              Good post Mike. I also agree with what you say as sods law always says you need it further down the line, i actually do what you recommend myself.

                              You can sometimes get a little comfortable with Actinic, in that you can easily revert to a factory setting. Using the processes you mentioned above would always be good practice. Especially if you have heavily customised a template as to bring the old stuff back in, you can just uncomment what you need, leaving your customisation in place.

