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noobish navigation question.

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    noobish navigation question.

    ok, now, i'v had a good strop over the bizarreness of actinic V8 and i'm all out of luck.

    i want to know if its possible to have a flat html (read: not javascript) navigation, thats opens up, regarding the section you are in.


    page 1: --------

    - section 1
    - sub section
    - sub section
    - sub section

    - section 2
    - section
    - section

    page 2: --------

    - section 1
    - section 2
    - sub section
    - sub section
    - sub section

    - section
    - section

    is this even possible, and without using the sitemap to destruction?

    can i duplicate the sitemap variable without breaking it?

    can i duplicate the sitemap variable without breaking it
    Yes. You can create new Site Map List type Layouts and use your own code in there. I did this for NorList - a search engine friendly dynamic menu - see for a demo.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      well, i'm stumped.

      how on earth can i build an ul/li nested list that has only the top and its child section within it?

      i'v broken it many times now


        I can only answer in general terms (NorList was a solid day or two's work).

        You'd have to scan the full Site Map list looking for the current page, then only process lower level items from that point. Stop as soon as you reach a lower or same section level.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


          Originally posted by gabrielcrowe
          It's a good job i'm a spectacular programmer, lest i'd never be able to fix silly problems like this.
          Have a word with this guy, i'm sure he can help.


            haha. i'm pwn3d.

            coding this would be fine, in php, since thats what actinic exposes to me, but the problem is that i'v just literally picked up the manual on V8's bizarre blocks and variables. so, i'd love to be able to do this with actinic's own built in functions.

            previously, the navigation was built in real time by a php script i'd written, but V8 manages to build the sitemap, with much more customisability (sp?). Typically, this tree, i'm barking up, is the wrong one. so, its just more learning on my part.


              just literally picked up the manual
              What Manual? You're very lucky if you've that much info. Most of us have to do a lot of trial and error with little test snippets of code. Luckily all the Actinic-side PHP produces instant results - or more often instant errors

              There are things that only trial and error can produce (like PHP variables declared in Start Of List code not being properly accessible to the inner list code).
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

