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HSBC - separate delivery address issue!

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    HSBC - separate delivery address issue!

    Our web-site is soon to be launched, and the current temporary home page is at this URL.
    We are integrating with HSBC. At the moment, if a user has the same billing address as delivery address the payment process works fine.

    However when they choose to tick a separate delivery address, the billing address page works fine, however on the following page, which asks for the delivery address, it automatically echoes "Mainland UK", one of our "states" (Northern Ireland is the other) in the County field. Despite this, if we press submit, the following page says "Delivery Destination: - Please select a state or province" - even though the field technically has data, albeit incorrect.

    Ideally, the field should be blank, so that the user can enter their delivery address, this Mainland UK echoing shouldn't appear... and when they submit their info, it should all go over to HSBC hunky dory!

    If anyone wants to go through the checkout process for the purpose of testing, please ignore the SSL messages and secure/non-secure gumph! Similarly, when on HSBC, use the any name, the card number 4111111111111111 and any expiry date in 2007.

    I've been banging my head over this all afternoon, so any help is appreciated.
    Sam Davis
    Bright Light Media Ltd

    This issue has been raised before on the forum and the answer is in a post by chris - Ive not got time to search right now but you should find it.



      Which Username Chris should I be looking for? I'm going to be working on this today - looking forward to gtting it sorted and putting our site live
      Sam Davis
      Bright Light Media Ltd


        This thread - post #9 from Bruce

        easily found by searching the forum using HSBC address as the search term.
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