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HSBC Secure e-payment not passing data

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    HSBC Secure e-payment not passing data

    Hi all,

    We're at the the testing stage with HSBC, and i've placed a couple of test orders through our site using a test stock item at 50p,

    I can go through the process of payment with HSBC (using one of their test credit card numbers) and that goes through fine. I then get an email from actinic saying a new order has been placed on the site.

    I can also download the order details and see the line items fine.
    My problem however is that i don't see any payment details being imported from HSBC - ie card details or amount.(details that presumably should be seen in the progress and payments tab within the order)

    Am i missing something here with a particular setting?

    Regards - Computer hardware, peripherals and components.

    Where are the orders arriving in Actinic? Are they going into the 'Pending' tab or the 'Pending Payment Service Provider' tab?

    If it is the former, then you need to click the 'View Payments' button on the 'Progress and Payments' tab of the order in order to see the payment details.

    If it is the latter, then there is a problem with the integration to HSBC which needs to be investigated.


      And the payment details will only show how much was paid and when. You don't get to see the actual card details in actinic but should be able to see some summary details within the HSBC payment website if you need to.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Originally posted by cdicken
        Where are the orders arriving in Actinic? Are they going into the 'Pending' tab or the 'Pending Payment Service Provider' tab?

        If it is the former, then you need to click the 'View Payments' button on the 'Progress and Payments' tab of the order in order to see the payment details.

        If it is the latter, then there is a problem with the integration to HSBC which needs to be investigated.

        Unfortunately it is the latter
        I'm not getting any details imported into actinic regarding payment.

        I think a call to HSBC is required!

        Thanks for the reply - Computer hardware, peripherals and components.


          My problem however is that i don't see any payment details being imported from HSBC - ie card details or amount
          You will not see anything until you get the call back from hsbc with the payment details. If you are placing the order and immediately downloading then the deatils will almost certainly be blank. You need to give hsbc some time to process the payments and give the details back to actinic - in busy times this can be days after the order.


            Also if you are in TEST mode with HSBC then you will never get anything as the card transaction is not completed - its only when you go live that the whole process kicks into action.


              using one of their test credit card numbers
              This does NOT result in a call back and population of the actinic data.

              You now need to ask HSBC to go live and do a test order with a live credit card.


                Originally posted by RuralWeb
                This does NOT result in a call back and population of the actinic data.

                You now need to ask HSBC to go live and do a test order with a live credit card.

                Thanks for the information Malcolm
                I'll speak with HSBC and get them to test the site for us.

       - Computer hardware, peripherals and components.


                  Tou also need to tell them when you want to go live AND change the settings in payment and security to get it all working


                    Originally posted by RuralWeb
                    Tou also need to tell them when you want to go live AND change the settings in payment and security to get it all working


                    HSBC told us that for testing purposes, we had to create a test product with a value no higher than £1.00

                    I didn't realise thought that iinformation wouldn't be passed back by HSBC to Actinic - i thought something was wrong with my settings somewhere!

                    I guess it's time to go live with them for further testing, and see what happens.
                    At the worst we will have to go back to test settings until the time we get things right!

                    Thanks for all your help - HSBC were'nt very helpful

           - Computer hardware, peripherals and components.

