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Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracing Problem in V8.

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    Hi Skinnybloke

    I thought as much, it's just actinic's answer seemed to good to be true...

    Tried the following variations:

    Doesn't work for me

    <form style="display:none" name="utmform">
    <textarea id="utmtrans"></textarea>
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    var realprice = <actinic:variable name="NumericOrderTotal"/>/100;
    var line1 = 'UTM:T|<actinic:variable name="THEORDERNUMBER"/>|affiliation|' + realprice + '|tax|shipping|city|state|<actinic:variable name="DeliveryCountry"/>';
    var line2 = 'UTM:I|<actinic:variable name="THEORDERNUMBER"/>|<actinic:variable name="ProdRef"/>|<actinic:variable name="ProductNameOnline"/>|category|price|quantity';
    document.getElementById('utmtrans').value = line1 + '
    ' + line2;

    Doesn't work for me

    <script type="text/javascript">
    var utmt, utmi, utmordernumber, utmprice, utminvoice;
    utmi = "";
    utmordernumber = "NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER";

    <Actinic:XMLTEMPLATE NAME="ShoppingCart">
    <Actinic:XMLTEMPLATE NAME="OrderLine">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    utmt = "UTM:T|" + utmordernumber + "|Main Store|NETQUOTEVAR:TOTAL|NETQUOTEVAR:TAX1| NETQUOTEVAR:SHIPPING|" + utminvoice;
    utmprice = "NETQUOTEVAR:PRICE";

    <Actinic:XMLTEMPLATE NAME="ProductLine">
    <script type="text/javascript">

    <script src="" type="text/javascript">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.write('<form style="display:none;" name="utmform"><textarea id="utmtrans">' + utmt + utmi + '</textarea></form>';


    The problem I have is i'm not sure exactly how "real-time" analytics is. I mean for testing purposes does anyone know how long it takes before an ecommerce transaction is likely to appear on analytics?


      Jon you have displayed your google number in that last post

      Guess you want to delete it!!!!!
      Chris Ashdown


        I think it takes 24 hours to display transactions.


          blimey thanks for the heads up! Good job google requires that the urchin code be confirmed, or anybody would be seeing our analytics!


            When someone actually gets it working could they show the full details here as this looks like it will be a ongoing question
            Chris Ashdown


              Not only that, it's going to be an ongoing battle getting it working. I've tried using this now with 4 different variations of the code. Nothing has worked.

              Why isn't this built into Actinic anyway? It's probably the most highly used conversion analysis software. We really couldn't live without GA as it simply tells us so much more than webstats can. Building in ROI info will simply be the icing on the cake.

              Come on Actinic! V8.05 - Analytics as a variable predefined on the checkout and cart pages? Yes please!!

              PS. Nadeem - If the dev team could post some example code based on your earlier post it might help...?


                Ok is anybody able to advise on the following:

                In our V7 store the receipt page did not have an outer layout. Since we've had v8 and an outerlayout registered in DW the receipt has always had the outerlayout as part of the receipt page.

                Now this is possibly affecting GA as the outerlayout contains the urchin javascript, so perhaps someone could advise on if their is a way to remove the outerlayout from the receipt page?

                I've notcied the option if you are using frames in design options, but nothing else... Or perhaps I could just make a custom receipt page? Perhaps someone might be able to show me an example of their receipt which still includes that Actinic generated content?


                  In our V7 store the receipt page did not have an outer layout. Since we've had v8 and an outerlayout registered in DW the receipt has always had the outerlayout as part of the receipt page.
                  Hi there

                  You can set this within the 'Receipt Page Layout' field within 'Settings | Site Options | Layouts'. Change this to 'Settings | Site Options | Layout'. Hopefully this can help you out.


                    Hi Chris

                    Thanks for that, gives me something new to test!


                      Ok i've run out of ideas.... Used every combination of the analytics javascript which I can think of but nothing works...

                      As far as I can see order04.html has not changed since V7 so I don't see whats different if the NETQUOTEVARS are the same?

                      Tried all the support stuff on the GA help centre about dynamically generated pages, tried all suggested code I can find here. So i'm now hoping the developers can look into this further...???

                      Any suggestions from anyone who's had any joy tracking e-commerce transactions with the order value transferred to GA via javascript please post!!


                        Hi Jon,

                        Looking from the original v7 Google Analysis thread, have you actually put the following only in the receipt

                        <form style="display:none" name="utmform">
                        <textarea id="utmtrans"></textarea>
                        <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
                        var realprice = NETQUOTEVAR:ACTINICORDERTOTAL / 100;
                        var line1 = 'UTM:T|NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER|affiliation|' + realprice + '|tax|shipping|city|state|NETQUOTEVAR:INVOICECOUNTRY';
                        document.getElementById('utmtrans').value = line1 + '\n' + line2;

                        I see some changes in Post #16, might be an idea, just to put what was in the original v7 thread, and test that please

                        Kind Regards
                        Nadeem Rasool
                        SellerDeck Development


                          Cracked It!!!

                          Ok here is how I have got V8 to work with the analytics e-commerce tracking feature:

                          1. Change your receipt page so that it does not include an outerlayout be it a layout you have made in DW or an Actinic theme. This is mentioned above.

                          2. Edit the receipt page in the design tab to include the body onload command for the urchin tracker:

                          <body onLoad="javascript:__utmSetTrans()">
                          3. Add the script detailed below to the end of the innerlayout of the receipt page:

                          Optional Adwords Tracking Code:

                          <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
                          var google_conversion_id = XXXXXXXXXX;
                          var google_conversion_language = "en_GB";
                          var google_conversion_format = "1";
                          var google_conversion_color = "FFFFFF";
                          if (1) {
                          var google_conversion_value = 1;
                          var google_conversion_label = "purchase";
                          </script><br /><br /><br /><script language="JavaScript" src="">
                          </script><noscript><img height=1 width=1 border=0 src=""></noscript><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
                          var google_conversion_id = XXXXXXXXXX;
                          var google_conversion_language = "en_GB";
                          var google_conversion_format = "1";
                          var google_conversion_color = "FFFFFF";
                          if (1) {
                          var google_conversion_value = 1;
                          var google_conversion_label = "pageview";
                          </script><script language="JavaScript" src="">
                          </script><noscript><img height=1 width=1 border=0 src=""></noscript>

                          GA Code:

                          <script src="" type="text/javascript">
                          </script><script type="text/javascript">
                          _uacct = "UA-XXXXXX-1";
                          </script><form style="display:none" name="utmform"><textarea id="utmtrans"></textarea></form><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
                          var realprice = NETQUOTEVAR:ACTINICORDERTOTAL / 100;
                          var line1 = 'UTM:T|NETQUOTEVAR:THEORDERNUMBER|affiliation|' + realprice + '|tax|shipping|city|state|NETQUOTEVAR:INVOICECOUNTRY';
                          document.getElementById('utmtrans').value = line1 + '\n' + line2;

                          Note that the above method allows of the GA code to be laid out on the page in the correct order. Using an outerlayout does not allow for this. The script code should be be placed after the </form> tag in the innerlayout of the receipt page. This tag may be an Actinic variable but I can't remember.

                          The key to getting this working seems to be not using an outerlayout as I have used the standard v7 code with a plain receipt page. Hence, it would appear we were simply having implementation problems.

                          You may have noticed the following:

                          In the first part of the GA code which calls the urchin. This is required as actinic uses dynamically generated pages with identical url's for the checkout pages. A Google guide on this can be found here:


                          Next task is to try the updated code on Dave's guide to include product details etc... This is a job for the new year tho!

                          Hope you all find this useful and had a great Christmas!

                          Oh one other thing... Make sure you give it a few days as you will not see instant results in Analytics!


                          Google's Guide to e-commerce tracking

                          Dave's Guide To GA for V7


                            What is an outerlayer when it's at home?
                            Chris Ashdown


                              outerlayout: When you register a design in DW or use a CSS theme in V8 you'll usually find an Actinic variable called innerlayout I believe or something like that. You should be able to see this in the design tab by clicking the parent button until you cant click it anymore.

                              Hence the outerlayout is all the html around this variable


                                Originally posted by cdicken
                                Hi there

                                You can set this within the 'Receipt Page Layout' field within 'Settings | Site Options | Layouts'. Change this to 'Settings | Site Options | Layout'. Hopefully this can help you out.

                                I am trying to sort out my cart, checkout and receipt pages so that I can then implement GA (!!) I noted from the previous thread that I need to sort out the layers in my receipt page so I thought I'd start there however when I go 'Settings | Site Options | Layout' I have no receipt page layout to amend to anyhting - can anyone tell me where I find them pls?? Also will the checkout, cart etc be in the same place. I am viewing my new v8 site on the trial host and the cart is very bizare ( ) and I can't find where the details to control it are stored. I've been through the design tab and read the AUG and searched but I can't seem to find the basic infor that tells me where to change the layout. If i go to the design tab and change the style (I'm using executive) little seems to happen. At present I have all the sections listed down the centre of the page followed by the new products bit and then the basket which has my old buttons from my old site but they are not showing as I assume they are not stored in the correct place for this version.

                                I've looked everywhere I can think of - searched help etc. but I can't find where the design settings are stored. I looked in the advanced design section but I didn't really understand what this was telling me and it def. didn't allow me to turn off the outer layer.

                                If anyone can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated as the task of implementing the GA for v8 should be the challenge!!

                                Thanks in advance Donna

                                Chief bunting supplier to Take That!

