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Designer 8.02 New Site Errors

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    Designer 8.02 New Site Errors

    I would like to import a 7.06 snapshot, so I clicked "License New Site". All OK. After clicking Activate I receive an error: "An Unexpected error occurred while trying to carry out the import. Please check your settings and try again." After clicking OK, the message reappears.

    Click OK and a new error appears: "A severe error occurreed. The thread attempted to read from a virtual address (0x1c) for which it does not have the appropriate access. Actinic will attempt to recover. It may be safest to restart Actinic."

    Click OK and "A severe error occurred while Catalog was chagning sites. It is strongly recommended that you exit Catalog immediately and restart." An operation you cannot do without the Task Manager.

    After restarting Actinic the new site opens , but the "An Unexpected error occurred ..." error message appears everytime I start Actinic. It seems to occur during the "Upgrading design" operation at "importing record at line 2 of 24."

    Don't even ask me what happens if you ignore this error and go on to import a V7.06 snapshot.

    Any thoughts?
    Cheers, Todd Edwardson
    sigpic & SellerDeck US Sales & Service
    800-503-5717 | 609-773-0800

    Not a cure but there's a command-line switch that will start Actinic on a preselected site. This will at least get Actinic up and running again.


    C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\Catalog.exe /s Site1

    into the Start / Run box.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      I'd upgrade to 8.04 aswell

