How does one go about editing the email layouts so that it shows the choices made from components, rather than just the attribute / component name??
whereas I want to see...
The serverside automated emails contain them fine, but the manually-initiated ones from within the Actinic client don't... need them for a simple way to forward order details to a 3rd party...
Just so you get what I'm doing, here's what we have within Actinic...
ADULT Race Entry (Single - Adult Primary Class - - Choose Additional Class 1 - Choose Additional Class 2 - Choose Additional Class 3 - Choose Additional Class 4 - Choose Additional Class 5 - Choose Round - Round: Rd1 1 £115.00 £115.00 No. Not Yet Shipped 1
ADULT Race Entry (Single - Adult Primary Class - - SHOW CHOICE MADE Choose Additional Class 1 - SHOW CHOICE MADE Choose Additional Class 2 - SHOW CHOICE MADE Choose Additional Class 3 - SHOW CHOICE MADE Choose Additional Class 4 - SHOW CHOICE MADE Choose Additional Class 5 - SHOW CHOICE MADE Choose Round - Round: Rd1 1 £115.00 £115.00 No. Not Yet Shipped 1
Just so you get what I'm doing, here's what we have within Actinic...
