In ie7 the logo height may need adjusting. Also you may need to change your shipping charges unless you are planning to charge only £1.27 to ship a laptop!
whenever I visit ANY web shop, I want to see "contact details" clearly visible, phone numbers, email contacts etc. I find it frustrating to have to search to find any details, and the "contact us" form is just that, no mention of phones (if you issue those to the pubic) and email address's
On my Dell laptop running IE7 the left hand side of your home page is flush with the left side of my screen. Looks like it needs to shift to the right a bit. I don't know if anyone else has seen this also.
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Bob Isaac
Director/Web Admin Volvo Owners Club Ltd
Thanks for all your comments, one thing I am going to change is to add another brochure page for the Contact Us option, and also how can I shift the page to the right as commented by Bob Isaac
Many Thanks