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Odd Bottom of Section Page?

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    The bottom line of the source code is:

    <div align="center"><p></p></div></div><br clear="all" /></div></div></body></html>

    There's a redundant <div> tag, a redundant <p> tag and a <br> which will be adding to the bottom space.


      Paste the bottom 4 lines or so of the source code Duncan, i would say it looks like a redundant <div>.

      <div> tags expand to the maximum they can, its odd on its a <div> serving no purpose. It probably has the same code as i have posted above from the other page.


        The redundant div tag is there because it is not used unless you add footer text. If I want to add footer text later then it won't show if I remove it. Maybe I can change the block condition position around the footer text.


          Well either comment it out OR apply a CSS style to the <div> that makes the background colour, so it doesn't stand out.

          Is there a <br> clear all also?


            This is the main outer layout code:

            <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
               <title><actinic:variable name="PageTitle" /></title>
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               <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
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               <link href="actinic.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
            <style type="text/css">
            /* Here are some styles to override the default styles that are in the Actinic StyleSheet layout */
            <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsBackgroundColor%22%20%2f%3e">
            body {
            	background-color: <actinic:variable name="Palette3" />;
            	background-image: url('theme_main_background.gif');
            	background-repeat: repeat-x;
            h1 {
            	margin: 0;
            	padding: 0;
            .tech_menu_button_title {
            	background-color: <actinic:variable name="PaletteBG" />;
            .tech_text_product_section {
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               <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="actiniccore.js"></script>
               <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="actinicextras.js"></script>
               <!-- Placeholder of cookie checking javascript code. Do not remove it! -->
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            <body onload="<actinic:variable value="PreloadImages" name="OnLoadScript" />">
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                     <div align="center">
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            	<br clear="all" />


              I tried getting rid of the extra 'div' and the 'br clear all' - but still the same (put it back again now). Any other ideas? Is it related to the css colour of the surround rather than in the inside as it were perhaps?

              Maybe I shouldn'ty worry about it - it's just a bit annoying - unlikely anyone will ever see it really.


                Try changing this:

                <div align="center">
                <actinic:variable name="HeaderFooter" value="Footer Text" />


                <div align="center" id="footerHide">
                <actinic:variable name="HeaderFooter" value="Footer Text" />

                and add this to your CSS file:

                #footerHide {
                background-color: #000000;

                OR comment the part that you do not want to show using the <!-- at the start of the section and --> at the end.

                There are a number of <div> tags so you may need to tweak a little, it's a little hard to decipher which </div> is for which.


                  Duncan once you apply those changes and it makes no difference, show me the source code as it will be much easier to see what is causing it and then help. Source code as in "view source" from within a browser, i.e. the resultant code.

                  You have the referrer link there also which maybe adding to the problem.


                    I think I've found it. The white around the sides is actually a white background gif. See below. It obviously won't get repeated below the page. I'm going to research that angle.
                    body {
                    	background-color: <actinic:variable name="Palette3" />;
                    	background-image: url('theme_main_background.gif');
                    	background-repeat: repeat-x;


                      That won't do anything Duncan, the background image will only tile across the x-axis into space that is already there for it to.

                      It's 99.99% sure to be a <div> tag as it is spreading right across the page, which is the characteristic of a div.

                      If you want a clear view on what is happening, apply the change i mentioned above and change the #000000, to a different colour (green) and it will show you the offending code.


                        Originally posted by leehack
                        ..If you want a clear view on what is happening, apply the change i mentioned above and change the #000000, to a different colour (green) and it will show you the offending code.
                        Great idea Lee - will do.


                          Finally - it's now working OK.

                          I changed the theme bgcolor from black to white which sorted the problem. There seems to have been some 'confusion' between the bgcolor in the css file vs the overiding bgcolor in the <head>.

                          Thanks for everyone's help.


                            Thats good new Duncan.

                            I did notice the CSS declared in the head section and wondered why it was there. The rules there i presume were overwriting the stylesheet. Did you put them there or is that standard? Given the size of the stylesheet, i can't see why they would put them in the head section and reference an external stylesheet also.

                            Has the space cleared or is it just the background colour that has changed so you cannot see it?


                              The css in the head was there as part of the theme. Strange they would do that - there's a note in the outer layer that says the css is there to override the default styles in actinic.css.

                              I believe the space has cleared - the end of the page is at the end of the black as it were.

                              Thanks again (and for making that post edit)

