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Hiding Brochure Pages

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    Hiding Brochure Pages

    According to page 39 of the Advanced Guide we can set Actinic up to hide certain section (shop) pages from the menu.

    Can something similar be done so as to hide certain brochure pages from the menu?

    I would like to hide certain brochure pages and don't really want to hard code a brochure page menu.


    I'll second this for a wish list item too if if can't be done easily


      I have done this by creating a "brochure" section in the shop and applying the AUG fix to that section. Logged in customers see the link to those pages (which of course are the last section in the shop so that non-logged in customers do not see an unexplained gap in the menu).
      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
      Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


        I'll second this for a wish list item too if if can't be done easily
        I hope its already on the wish list as I asked for it back in July for V8


          We have found it easier to get around this by using the brochure just for the home page and the remainder, including information pages, as per the normal non brochure layout..

          Then, if we do not wish it to appear in the sitemap for example, write a condition to hide it, or more commonly to hide it from the list of sections that are listed at the top level listing of sections.

          Works well for us, so whilst this is in the wishlist, might be an idea on how to achieve the desired end result.


            Good idea about placing the hidden brochure pages in the store part of the site. I had thought of that but prefer to keep brochure elements and store elements seperate if I can.

            I also like to have two distinct menus on my new site so placing all brochure pages in the section pages won't work.

            Looking forward to hearing from an Actinic person to see if it is possible to hide brochure pages or if it is one for the wish list.


              placing all brochure pages
              Not suggesting this - only the "Iwannahidethis" pages go in the hidden shop section. Standard Brochure pages are - well, Standard Brochure pages.
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT



                I have hidden a brochure page link by doing the following (note that this is using the Executive theme):

                - go to 'Design | Library'
                - expand the 'Brochure Page Links' group (click the '+')
                - right-click on one of the existing layouts and select copy
                - rename the copied layout to 'hidden brochure link'
                - edit this new layout and remove everything inside it so that it is blank
                - click 'OK'
                - double-click on the 'BrochurePageLink' selector
                - change the 'Place of setting' from 'Site' to 'Brochure'
                - set the 'tab' that you want the field to appear on
                - click 'OK'
                - close the 'Library'
                - for each brochure page, select the correct link layout that you require
                - the 'Executive' theme uses a fixed layout for the brochure page links so this will need to be changed to allow the changes to be seen
                - to do this locate the brochure page list (ie Brochure Page List with Horizontal Dividers) and right-click on the 'Simple Brochure Page Link' variable
                - select 'Edit Appearance' and change the 'Use Fixed Layout' field to 'No()'
                - click 'Apply'
                - any that you choose the 'hidden brochure link' layout on then will not appear on the menu and there should be no spaces for missing links either.


                  Thanks Tracey, it works really well


                    One for the AUG


                      There is another way I have used for excluding the brochure pages from the link.
                      It involves using a TRUE/FALSE variable that is switchable for each Brochure page.

                      Simply described:
                      1. Create a new variable that appears in brochure page details tabs e.g. Layout, that allows TRUE/FALSE values
                      2. Create condition against this variable
                      3. In the menu layout e.g. for Technical Theme "Simple Brochure page link" insert the condition to display link when value TRUE and hence to NOT display when value is FALSE

                      All you then are required to do to exclude the brochure page from the site menu is simply switch the Variable value to FALSE.

                      NB. I set the prompt for the varaible as "Include in site menu?" and put it in the layout tab.

                      I have not comprehensively tested this but it makes for a simple ON/OFF style interface for choosing whether a brochure page appears in the menu or not.

                      I can provide more details/screenshots if requested.....
                      Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
                      Ecommerce Digital Marketing

                      SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

                      SellerDeck Hosting
                      SellerDeck Digital Marketing


                        Nice one Fergus - this would be a better option for general use and client deployment. A simple show/no show link is the ideal and I think this should be added as standard to V8 but the AUG would be good to start with.


                          and for text links?

                          Does this workaround work on text links? If so I would be interested in seeing screenshots as the coding of variables and conditions is beyond me so far.

                          If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.

                          Failure is the tuition you pay for success.


                            Originally posted by OriginalTouch
                            Does this workaround work on text links?
                            The principal works for any kind of brochure page link - image or text. It could also be used for section page links as well if required.

                            We have also used a variation of this to allow a client to have separate menu "boxes" and to allow them to control which brochure page links appear in which "box"
                            Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
                            Ecommerce Digital Marketing

                            SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

                            SellerDeck Hosting
                            SellerDeck Digital Marketing


                              Originally posted by fergusw
                              There is another way I have used for excluding the brochure pages from the link.
                              It involves using a TRUE/FALSE variable that is switchable for each Brochure page.

                              Simply described:
                              1. Create a new variable that appears in brochure page details tabs e.g. Layout, that allows TRUE/FALSE values
                              2. Create condition against this variable
                              3. In the menu layout e.g. for Technical Theme "Simple Brochure page link" insert the condition to display link when value TRUE and hence to NOT display when value is FALSE

                              All you then are required to do to exclude the brochure page from the site menu is simply switch the Variable value to FALSE.

                              NB. I set the prompt for the varaible as "Include in site menu?" and put it in the layout tab.

                              I have not comprehensively tested this but it makes for a simple ON/OFF style interface for choosing whether a brochure page appears in the menu or not.

                              I can provide more details/screenshots if requested.....
                              Hi Fergus

                              I'm using version 7 and trying to hide brochure pages. Please could you supply me with screenshots before I lose my hair.

                              Most appreciated

