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Bandwidth Issue?

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    Bandwidth Issue?

    Hi, We have recently upgraded to V8 (in the last 6-8 weeks), and I know that it is busier on the web over the month of December etc, but our bandwidth usage has jumped sky high.. but not outgoing usage, the incoming usage...
    Our incoming bandwidth figure is almost identical to our outgoing use this month, now we do update our site regularly - weekly and sometimes daily, and we know that this would equate to some of the usage, as well as downloading orders, and sending mail through Actinic.
    Does anyone know roughly how much bandwidth should be used approximately for retrieving say 5 or 10 orders?
    Or updating a few pages( i know that it will also depend on the size of new page and images etc), but wondered if there was a 'standard' usage on the fil. files etc

    Our host has told us that 'The incoming traffic counts the traffic from Actinic, any time that Actinic updates or refreshes the website or processes orders.'
    During the Mid November to Mid December area, our usage was around 23gb... our outgoing usage /visitor use was around 6gb.... we think that 17gb for incoming is more than a tad excessive....
    We have queried this with our host and they have said that we were being under charged before and this figure is correct!!??
    Graham & Claire Fain

    Take a look in your webstats to see what it shows as your outgoing usage in there, which will not be 100% identical to what they say, but it should match very closely.

    On using 17GBs for incoming files, that does seem a tadge shall we say large for updating of an Actinic website, but could this also include email, which bring that up as you might be getting that in spam emails, which they might be rejecting (maybe - maybe not), just ideas.


      On using 17GBs for incoming files, that does seem a tadge shall we say large for updating of an Actinic website, but could this also include email, which bring that up as you might be getting that in spam emails

      Surely spam emails come in to the email server rather than the web site and I'd certainly be surprised if that counted for a customers upload bandwidth. Still I'm not a web host so technoweb might be right.

      Anyway, 17GB is ridiculous as that's over 500MBytes per day. Order files won't count towards this as they are downloaded from the server, not uploaded (and are only going to be a few hundred bytes anyway).

      You should certainly take a look at your webstats to make sure your webhost isn't getting it wrong. These numbers sound way off to me.


      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



        Originally posted by olderscot
        Surely spam emails come in to the email server rather than the web site and I'd certainly be surprised if that counted for a customers upload bandwidth. Still I'm not a web host so technoweb might be right.
        Its just a suggestion to check as we know of a few that spam check, and then instead of it staying on the same server or mailbox on that server, it is forwarded to an external box, like a quarantine. Only reason that sprung to mind is because there was mention of same values for incoming as outgoing, which would fit that scenario, although yes later on it is split by 6GB out and 17GB in, which is why the extra bit of seems tadge high was added.

        Obviously do not have the foggiest who, why or where, just bouncing ideas to try and assist.

