For various navigation reasons, we are happy to have users browse our site when logged in as 'guest' (username guest, password guest) - but we are not happy to allow unregistered users to wander around the site. Essentially, this is because we want to force our registered users to log in.
Is there any bright way we can put the user 'guest' in its own customer group and then hide some parts of layouts from that customer or customer group (e.g. to hide prices, add-to-cart buttons and cart summary)? Effectively, it would be some equivalent of "NOTINB2B", but for a particular user and/or customer group rather than all unregistered users. if anyone's interested!!
As ever, wise words for beginners warmly welcomed!
Is there any bright way we can put the user 'guest' in its own customer group and then hide some parts of layouts from that customer or customer group (e.g. to hide prices, add-to-cart buttons and cart summary)? Effectively, it would be some equivalent of "NOTINB2B", but for a particular user and/or customer group rather than all unregistered users. if anyone's interested!!
As ever, wise words for beginners warmly welcomed!