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Code Error When Trying To Upload Version 8

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    Code Error When Trying To Upload Version 8

    Greetings Everyone

    Hope everyon'e upgrade went smoothly. Strangely enough mine hasn't quite yet worked. I am busy trying to load up V8 for the first time, but i'm getting a strange error saying that there are nested HTML tags in my search page. Very strange, would you be able to have a look at this code as well as i can't see that stands out staright away ?

    <form action=""method="get" action="<actinic:variable name="OnlineScriptURL" value="Search Script URL" />"
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    <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsHostMode%22%20%2f%3e">
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       <input type="hidden" name="SHOP" value="<Actinic:Variable Name="HiddenFields"/>" />
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             <Actinic:Variable Name="SearchPrompt"/> <Actinic:Variable Name="RetailOnlyWarning"/>
             <br /><br />
             <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
                   <td valign="top">
                      <b><Actinic:Variable Name="SearchString"/></b><br />
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                      <br />
                      <Actinic:Variable Name="SearchCombine"/>
                      <input type="radio" name="TB" checked="checked" value="A" />
                      <Actinic:Variable Name="SearchAndPrompt"/>
                      <input type="radio" name="TB" value="O" />
                      <Actinic:Variable Name="SearchOrPrompt"/>&nbsp;<Actinic:Variable Name="SearchCombineText2"/>
                      <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
                         for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < document.forms.length; nIndex++)
                           if (document.forms[nIndex] && document.forms[nIndex].SS)
                      // -->
                  <td valign="top">
                      <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22PriceSearchIsAllowed%22%20%2f%3e">    
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                        <br />
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                   <input type="hidden" name="GB" value="A" />
                <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22IsSearchablePropertiesCombinedWithOr%22%20%2f%3e" />
                   <input type="hidden" name="GB" value="O" />
                <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22SearchBySectionsUsed%22%20%2f%3e" />
                      <td colspan="2" valign="bottom"> <b><Actinic:Variable Name="SearchControlLabel"/></b><br />
                         <select name="SX">
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    									<option value="0"> </option>
                            <actinic:variable name="SearchSectionList" />
                  <td colspan="2" valign="bottom">
                     <input type="submit" name="ACTION" value="<Actinic:Variable Name="SearchLabel"/>" />
             <!-- alert("<Actinic:Variable Name="UnregCustomersNotAllowedMessage"/>");
             return false; -->
    <div align="center"><actinic:variable name="ActinicSearchPageLink" /></div>
    As always wouldn't have been able to get this far without the community. Looking forward to see what we can do with V8.

    Big Game Hunters
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    Trampoline Brand Information - Trampolines 4 Sale
    Climbing Frames - Wooden Climbing Frames
    Trampoline Specialist Blog
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    Shannon - is that nested form tags that are being reported?

    If so, you will probably find a call to <form .... shoppingcarturl... just above the INNERLAYOUT on the main part of your page, and a </form> tag after it.

    HTML does not allow <form..><form...></form></form> so you have to make sure one form is closed before you open another.

    You will need to change the innerlayout you copied above to add a </form> tag in the first line, and a new <form> opening tag in the last line.
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      there are nested HTML tags in my search page.
      easy solution to this is to revert to factory settings on the layout.I've had this error several times on upgrading.


        will give it a try

        Excellent suggestions, just found out about that revert to factorty settings in the design libary today.. Will let you know.

        Big Game Hunters
        Trampoline Specialists - Etoyszone Trampolines
        Trampolines and Outdoor Toys - Garden Games
        Table Tennis Table - Table Tennis Specialist Shop
        Trampoline Brand Information - Trampolines 4 Sale
        Climbing Frames - Wooden Climbing Frames
        Trampoline Specialist Blog
        Table Tennis Blog

