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Test site V8 affecting live V7 site

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    Test site V8 affecting live V7 site

    Have been testing V8 site in test mode, just by chance I was checking links on the live site and they were linking to the test site, as you would appreciate that is not good.

    Action so far, removed the site by switching production mode but of course not uploading.

    Refreshed the V7 site and it looks if you are viewing it in IE links go to the current location, if you are in Firefox it doesn't keeps trying to go to the test site.
    Typical link to a new product instead of taking you here it will try and take you V8 test site this is happening in firefox.

    It is also affecting the section links plus firefox is not generating the basket page prooperly.

    Any help to sort this major issue especially at the weekend as we sell plants those weekend gardeners! Thanks

    Only the middle of your 3 links works in Firefox. Others are page not found. The first one is because Firefox doesn't seem to like following links on Forum posts that go via the searchscript.

    Could you post a clean URL and then a detailed sequence of steps to take that fail for you so others can test.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Have been testing V8 site in test mode, just by chance I was checking links on the live site and they were linking to the test site
      I posted about V8 test site becoming inexed before xmas but could not work out how they were being indexed - maybe this is the answer ie a bug that is allowing links to the test site from the live site.


        The missing links are related to the V8 site being removed so the pages are not there any more, first link
        Is there any way of stopping that indexing as any one viewing the site in Firefox and use the right hand navigation bar will be taken to the test site (which I have removed).

        Off rowing for a hour, so must dash.


          Off rowing for a hour
          In this weather!!! hope you can swim


            I think Mash likes a challenge judging by the recent posts

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Just keeping me sane, just a little break, hardly type now so you will be safe from my posting. Tomorrow hopefully my break will be surfing and that is not the net type!

