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Link exchange

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    Link exchange

    Anybody know of any good web circle type sites? I remember these used appear alot but you don't see them anymore...

    Just wondered if it might be beneficial to setup a kind of link exchange system. Whereby someone links to your site from a site related to your industry. Then you link to the next site, they link to the next site and so on.

    Creating more backlinks but these are one way relevant links.

    Anyone know of such a system?

    Seems like a good idea to me so I imagine it already exists!

    Anybody know of any good web circle type sites? I remember these used appear alot but you don't see them anymore...
    You dont see them anymore because Google dose not like them! Any practice that is designed to manipulate the rankings has been stamped on.


      Fair enough just seemed like a system which could work, if executed in the right way!


        Not Totally True

        Good quality links are still a way to enhance your sites credibility. Link farming is penilised. Google does still use the related sites tool and you do benifit but if you sell games only stick to games sites e.t.c



          Good quality links are important - agreed. What i am saying is that web circle type sites are not liked.


            Malcolm i was just making things a bit clearer



              Just to clarify i'm talking about a system which I don't think exists...

              Basically you sign up to a site and list the details of your site. If you have a high pagerank site people will pay for your inbound links to them. Links from lower PR sites would be free.

              You enter category details of your site (keeping details which would link you to the system hidden from public pages like your url) eg related markets etc and find the right category for you like DMOZ.

              Say you sign up to the Computer games category. Within the catergory you've signed up to their are 10 sites related to computer games. The first 10 are already linking to each other in daisy chain non-reciprocal fashion. The next person to sign up would be linked to by the 10th person. You would not link to anyone until the 12th person joined.

              I cannot see how Google could penalise you for this as it is no different to contacting people and requesting inbound links? Or paying for them via the already successful auction style link selling sites and companies like text link brokers who work hard to keep the sites they sell links on very quiet!

              The links wouldn't even appear all at once which might ring alarm bells because people would gradually join.

              It's just an idea really...


                talking about a system which I don't think exists...
                They have been around for several years. They arrived when people realised they could make big bucks selling links to high page rank sites and manipulating google ranking. They died this time last year when google changed its algorithum during the Big Daddy update and many sites vanished from google over night who had been using paid for links and link farms.


                  Thanks for updating me on this malcolm. Interesting to know that it died a death!


                    try webring


                    Now here is my disclaimer: This can be a useful tool. If managed correctly you will share traffic accross multiple sites of like content. This use to be free but now its paid.

                    Do not abuse the tool as it could cause you problems.

                    I have some sites that use webring and it has increased traffic, helped with overall link building and it does deliver content. Be careful who you allow as a link partner in your ring. dont abuse it and you may see some good results.

                    As a rule of thumb we do not advocate link farms and certainly Google frowns on link farms or link abuse. Its debateable wether or not you consider webring a link farm.

                    I would suggest you seek out one way links in your industry or genre, Using google simply type in "suggest site" and you will find tons of directories or potential link partners.

                    Directories are the best place to pick up one way links to your site. We run a directory where you can get a free link to your site

                    I hope you research the webring thing and use caution. There are several get web linking strategies on the web. Consider the source and use good judgement when linking or exchanging links. If there are any questions about the quality of the link , the source of the link or if what your doing could be considered bad by a search engine like Google, take a moment to review the google webmaster guidelines:


                    Brian Johnson
                    Brian Johnson
                    :::Sure Solutions Inc:::Professional Actinic templates from
                    1-732-528-7635 x203

