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alternative section list

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    alternative section list

    is there a way of giving a customer the choice of how the sections are listed so that they can browse by product type or by brand?
    For example, one of the sites that I look after currently lists its product sections by product type e.g nail enhancements with the various brands as sub sections e.g. star nails, nsi, pure nails etc. is there some code that when a "view by brand button" was clicked actinic would "rearrange" the sections by brand with the product types as sub sections ?
    I would imagine that this would invovle creating brand named sections & placing duplicate products in the relevent subsection within the brand.

    Its the code to make actinic show one or the other list of sections I'm not sure of or even if its possible.

    or would a work around be to create a second column (i'm using smart theme) and splitting the sections list so that the brand sections are in one column and product type sections in another? if so how would i do that??

    Located - Sunny Kent
    A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.

    Hi Sally,

    I can't find an easy way to set this up but leave it with me and I'll see what I come up with.

    Toby Blanchard


      Thank you Toby.
      Located - Sunny Kent
      A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing.


        Hi Sally,

        I'm afraid I can’t find a decent work around for this. I was thinking having two custom java script files that would be called under a certain condition. So you would have something like a drop down list which contained two the two options, "Product Type" and "Brand". Keep product type as the default page but if you selected Brand it would reload the page and call the "Brand" javascript file while ignoring the "Product Type" javascript file. But I think this is too much to implement and manage.

        I've seen a nifty plugin from Norman here:

        Perhaps you can contact him and see if he can adapt that to your requirements.

        Sorry I couldn’t have been more help.

        Toby Blanchard


          An option could be to hand code the navigation and use a "block if" statement to show one or the other accordingly... this would do away with some of the automation but if the range of brands and type is fairly establish it should not cause too much maintenance hardship

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

