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Discount code?

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    Discount code?

    Hi everyone

    Im so sorry to ask this, as its probably been asked a thousand times!
    Im thinking of upgrading to v8, I desperately need to know if the discount options will allow me to do the following:

    Send a flyer out to a customer, stating use this code 'HBD34'(or whatever)and receive 10% off your next order. They can then go to the site and it will allow them to enter the code to receive the discount? I want to be able to change the code every couple of months?

    Many thanks in advance

    Can anyone help, Ive checked the boards but dont seem to be getting the right messages?



      Coupons allow you to do this. I think they are for Business only. Here's what the V8 Help has to say:-
      An Introduction To Discounts
      A 'discount' in Actinic will allow you to do things like giving a 5% discount if the order exceeds £100, or setting up a 'buy one get one free' offer on some of your products.

      Technically, what happens is that a discount automatically changes the value/content of a customer's order based on the order meeting certain conditions.

      Actinic can apply a discount based on any of the following conditions:

      · When the total value of items in the shopping cart reaches a certain level - Actinic can apply discounts based on the total amount that the customer has spent so far. This is explained in Discounts Based On Order Value.

      · When the customer buys certain 'special offer' items – (Actinic Business/Designer only). Actinic can automatically offer a discount or a 'reward' (e.g. a free product) when certain items are added to the shopping cart. This is explained in Discounts Based On Products Ordered. There are some examples of these discounts in Examples Of Special Offers.

      Note: Before you can assign discounts or rewards to items in your store, you need to put the items into 'Product Groups'. This is explained in Putting Products Into Groups.

      · The quantity of a product that has been ordered - (Actinic Business/Designer only) otherwise known as 'Quantity-Based Pricing'. This is explained in Quantity-Based Pricing.

      · The status of the customer's account - (Actinic Business/Designer only). This is explained in Customer Groups.

      Information about the first two discounts in the above list (discounts based on order value and on products ordered) will automatically appear online in a list underneath the shopping cart table.

      Note: Coupons are only available in Actinic Business/Designer.

      The first two discounts in the list above ('Order Level' and 'Cart Contents') can be triggered by a 'Coupon' (voucher).

      A coupon is simply a piece of text, chosen by you, that is used to trigger a discount. Customers can enter these coupons into a field in the store page, or they can follow a special link into the store (that you provide your customers with) that automatically activates the coupon.
      You could always download the V8 demo and run it in Test Mode on your server. Or use Actinic's Demo Hosting.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey

