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Over 3000% ROI!!!???

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    Over 3000% ROI!!!???

    Could someone explain to me how analytics makes our ROI over 3000%???

    CPC campaigns are running at around the usual 300-400% ROI but today I looked at the last 7 days and I can only assume that conversions from organic traffic must be through the roof because the ROI is listed as 3,335.28% !

    This seem obsurd, does anyone else get results like this from analytics? I've always assumed GA only took CPC into account when calculating ROI because organic listings don't really have an ROI because the click costs nothing...??? I know this is not strictly true but hopefully you see what I mean...

    I stand corrected but I thought that the GA ROI calc includes sales made from organics. Might be worth checking your other stats as well to see if there's any trend changes. Have the products perhaps been in the news or something - any reason for more organic searches recenlty? Or may be GA's just having a glitch.


      Ok i've looked through everything I can but I still don't really understand it. I guess ROI is just a numbers calc: Total revenue against total marketing costs so since GA is just taking into account PPC campaigns as investment then the ROI is correct. However this is definately down to the fact that 38 % of our sales have come from organic searches which is great since 34% is coming from PPC. Can't find anything particular in the news or as far as I can see GA isn't having a glitch so happy days!!

