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Stock Monitoring not working!

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    Stock Monitoring not working!


    Anyone had this problem before were the stock monitoring does not automaticaly update the stock levels?

    I have been told by Actinic that when you download your orders it should automaticaly update the levels, but it is not workig for me.

    Any Help would be great!


    Can you explain in a bit more detail what you're doing, what you expect to happen and what doesn't happen? your post isn't specific enough to work out what the problem is.


    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Sure thing Mike

      Ok I'm trying to test the stock monitoring with in Actinic. So I have turned on the stock monitoring on all my products.

      For example I have given one of my products the following stock levels

      Estimated Stock: 20
      Warning when stock level is: 10
      Suspend : 2

      I then do an update so this information is live. I then make a test order ordering 10 of those products, using Protex for payment transactions which is currently in test mode.
      I make the order with no problems.

      I then retrieve orders, and get the following error:

      An error occurred while reading a Payment Service Provider Authorisation. The file may have been corrupted in transfer from the server. Abort will cancel the download operation and leave the unprocessed PSP files on the web. Retry will try to transfer the file again. If you choose to ignore this error, the PSP file will be lost. If you ignore this error, the associated order MT00TH10000073, will be modified to have a payment method of "Send Credit Card Details Separately" and a status of "Waiting for CC Details."

      Try downloading it again?

      I click ignore and the orders are downloaded with "Waiting for CC Details" as it's status. I select the order and then hit the complete button.

      When I check the stock level of the product it is still saying 20 and not 10!

      So to me it does not look like the stock level has been updated.

      I'm not sure if I have two different problems here and if they all relate.

      Any ideas?



        So there are two problems here:

        1. The PSP payment authorisation file isn't being downloaded. I don't know why this is but you need to get someone to look at it. You can file a support request with Actinic from their website and thye'll take a look and figure it out (uless someone else here has come across it before).

        2. Open the order that you completed and see if the items have been marked as shipped or not. I'm surprised that an order without a payment can be completed but I don't use actinics built in stock control.

        If the items in the order are marked as shipped, then there does seem to be a problem with the stock control. What is the payment status on the order?


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          All payments have a status of "Waiting for cc details" if i complete the order is says "Full Payment Received"

          The Payment method on these orders says "Credit Card Details Sent Separately" and Date Shipped has date within in it. Which i guess means it has been shipped.


            Opening the order should let you see if teh products have been marked as shipped.

            If they are marked as shipped then there's something strange going on. It could be a bug or more likely something that hasn't been set quite right.

            Your best bet is to log a support query with actinic and get them to take a look at it.


            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Thanks Mike

              Found out the problem, our client had given us the wrong secret key which was causing all these problems, soon as we put in the correct one, stock monitoring started working and all those errors stoped.

              Cheers for you help.

