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v8 smtp server problem - iis

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    v8 smtp server problem - iis


    I have just installed v8 on a windows server using iis6.

    Network setings are all entered and running fine. Virtual cgi-bin and permissions seem fine.

    I have many Actinic v7 sites all running using the same configuration that i have setup for this v8, and they are all working fine.

    When entering the SMTP details (which i know are correct as i run my own hosting on a dedicated server).

    I get the following error:

    "The computer you specified as your mail server is not a valid mail (SMTP) server. Check the computer name or address and try again. If it fails again, then it is possible, you were locked out by a firewall program, or you don't have network connection to this server."

    followed by:

    Actinic Mail Test completed successfully
    server: passed
    connection: passed
    sockets: passed
    communications: failed
    authorisation: failed
    message: 501 Error decoding Username parameter.

    My server has MailEnable Pro running and authentication is required. The network setting have the SMTP server (, along with the username and password for the account (tested with outlook and telnet - all fine).

    I have looked at the v7 scripts for sending emails and compared them with v8 but they seem very different.

    Any ideas?

    All other aspects of the site seem to run fine, its just the ability to send email confirming orders and the contact form returns the following error:

    Error returned from SMTP server (1: 501 Error decoding Username parameter. )

    Any help would be great ... thanks in advance.


    Hi Jason

    Are you using a tld specific username or your master username from your hosting provider?

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      Not sure what you mean. What is a tld username.

      I am the hosting company, its a dedicated server sitting in a Donhost(Pipex) data center.

      I have tried using the account's user and pass and i have tried using the specific email address's user and pass.

      Neither will work ?

      So i'm kind of lost.

      v7 works fine.


        When you do the network configuration, or just before doing it, disable the sending of emails to customers and yourself etc, then go into the network settings and remove all entries from the smtp server area and the username/passoword.

        Conduct the web | configure, which should go through fine (assuming no other issues other than the email side)...

        Then, update or refresh the website.

        Once done, go back into the network settings, assign the mail server settings which you know works from v7 and re-enable the emails sent to customer and you (if applic)... Then, update the site.

        Emails should then be sent from the site upon orders etc...

        Just the way we have found to get around this one... and was raised/reported to tech support of Actinic some time back, so might be fixed in 804 if this is the same thing as we had issues with (maybe)...


          Error returned from SMTP server (1: 501 Error decoding Username parameter. )


          Thanks, tried this but still not working.

          Easiest way to test is to click on the contact button to bring up the form, complete and send. This returns the following error:

          Error returned from SMTP server (1: 501 Error decoding Username parameter. )

          I dont think Actinic can be bothered when it comes to iis, it looks like i will be returning v8 for a refund. Shame as i have 14 customers using v6 and v7 with me, all hosting on my iis server.

          Never mind.



            The way it works is that our software doesn't do any modification on username/pwd until the authentication method is selected. Then our software will send the username/pwd as requested by the authentication method which is set by the server.

            I will check with our development team if they can give me any pointers as to why it doesn't work for your server.



              Our development team would like your network settings so they can test what is happening. Please export your settings (Web | Network Setup | Export) and email the file to the 'contact us' address at the bottom of the screen and mark it for my attention.



                I use V8 and I get the same pop up box about the SMTP not being valid yet I it is the same settings/user name etc as I use in outlook and Outlook is fine

                So why doesn't V8 send emails?

                Well strange and doing my little head in!


                  Kev. please don't ask the same question in 2 threads. It is unfair to people who try to help.....

                  This thread is talking about IIS, ie Windows Server, your other thread doesn't mention if you use Windows or Unix.

                  Are you on Windows Hosting?


                    I use pipex hosting
                    Go to the upload forum and check you network settings against those I posted there




                        Stop double posting


                          Has this ever been answered?

                          I've had this problem for a while and just deal with it. I'd love to resolve it.
                          Cheers, Todd Edwardson
                 & SellerDeck US Sales & Service
                          800-503-5717 | 609-773-0800

