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Nortree / Firefox Issue

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    Nortree / Firefox Issue

    Hi everyone,

    I am using the Nortree (v1.10 )plugin for the site which was implimented in a V7 model. The first question is do I need to buy a new v8 compatible software for my site or do I require a patch of any kind?

    When Iupdated the site has been everything works fine in IE however when testing in Firefox , the following occurs.

    Please check the following link :here via firefox.

    1. When any section link is clicked the user is taken to the login page, however I do not have the 'Request Login on Shop Entry' ticked.

    Has anybody else come across this problem? I did notice a similar issue within the community regarding simply using the 'SectionPageName', but this didnt work.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Lee Jackson
    Creative Director

    Centurius Design & Marketing
    Centurius Website
    Portfolio of Work

    I'm afraid I had to rewrite bits of NorTree for V8 compatibility (you're seeing one of the reasons I had to do this work), so you'll need the new version.

    I'm not posting any V8 stuff as Donationware as there's way too much work involved in re-doing all these patches.

    I also have an all new V8 menu (NorList) that looks the same but uses V8's inbuilt PHP and List generating capabilities to generate a search engine friendly menu. The NorTree and NorCascade ones use JavaScript arrays that SE's can't follow.

    Brief details are on - best email me if you want these new version.
    Norman -
    Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


      Hi Norman,

      I have now implimented the new v8 compatible Nortree into my site however the same issue seems the arise in Firefox, whereby the navigation seem to direct you to a login screen first. If you then click on the 'Start shopping' text link below the login fields you are then taken to the relevant page that you first clicked on.

      Any further help is much appreciated.

      Lee Jackson
      Creative Director

      Centurius Design & Marketing
      Centurius Website
      Portfolio of Work


        When you re-install NorTree it doesn't replace any existing configuration / control files in your Site folder (in case you've customised them).

        Look in C:\Program Files\NorTree\ and copy the file nortree_menu_create.js from there into your Site folder. All should then be well after an Update.
        Norman -
        Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



          I have a problem with nortree and firefox.

          (Just so you know, i am re-developing a site that I have purchased nortree v8 for)

          in firefox the menu is placed below its div tag, where as in IE it is displayed properly in its div and in the correct place.

          what is causing this?

 - Surfboards, Longboards, Wetsuits and Accessories.


            Without an URL it's difficult to answer. If the site is then I don't see any difference between FF and IE there.
            Norman -
            Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


              BUMMER, i did it again

              sorry, really must get used to posting with urls



              go past the black page and you will see what i mean

     - Surfboards, Longboards, Wetsuits and Accessories.


                Two things. You're using

                <div id='MenuPos' style='position:relative' width="30" height="30" ></div>

                I'm not sure why you have width="30" height="30". The HvMenu documentation states
                Text string- Enables relative positioning of the menu. 
                1- In the HTML-file where the menu shows you need a named div: 
                <div id='MenuPos' style='position:relative'></div> 
                2- Set TargetLoc to 'MenuPos' 
                3 - Set MenuCentered to 'left', MenuVerticalCentered to 'top' and StartTop and StartLeft to 0 
                4 - StartTop, StartLeft and the Menu center variables can still be used to get an offset from the <div>. 
                Remarks: the different ways browsers interpret the pageX and pageY offset
                 makes this feature difficult. 
                I got the best results by putting the div inside a table, 
                give the div the same dimensions as the first level menu, 
                put an transparent image inside the div with again the 
                same dimensions as the first level menu 
                    <div id='MenuPos' style='position:relative; width:102; height:102;'><img src='transparent.gif' width='102' height='102'></div> 
                You could try this and see if it helps.
                Norman -
                Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey



                  You got the V8 NorTree menu last October.

                  Since then I've done a more modern CSS based menu NorList that may do a better job for you. Email me for details.
                  Norman -
                  Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                    arhar, im sure i tried that but probably not on this site, i cant remember lol, thanks

           - Surfboards, Longboards, Wetsuits and Accessories.

