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The index.html File Not In Root

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    The index.html File Not In Root

    I have been developing and uploading my site in Actinic 'Test Mode' (v8.0.3). Just switched to 'Production Mode' and uploaded my site. But the index.html file for my site is not in the root. As seen from the browser it is in

    I expected (and want) it to be in

    As seen from FTP it is in


    I expected (and want) it to be in www (the root!)

    Can anyone please explain how to control the positioning of the index.html file from Actinic?

    The above is the important issue for me but I also have a couple of 'niggles'

    When you do a 'Refesh Website' you would expect it to remove any image files that are not used. But Actinic has just left them on the Website. Anyone else find this happening to them?

    Also when you switch from 'Test Mode' to 'Production Mode' Actinic says it is going to delete you Test Website but for me it did not delete it. Anyone else had this problem?

    I like everything neat and tidy - bit of a 'pain' having to do manual tidying!

    Regards Gordon

    First of all update to 8.0.4 - it has been confirmed that this does properly delete the test folder and its contents.

    In Actinic, click on the House at the top of the content tree on the Content tab. Then in the page details - General tab, ensure you have a tick in "Use as Website Home Page"
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


      Thanks Bill, not that easy for my design! I have no 'House' because the root of my Content Tree is a Section (I have no Brochure Pages). This root Section does not have a 'Use as Website Home Page' option to tick. However, I do have the 'Base Page Name' in 'Page Settings' entered as 'index.html'


        Without the Home Page Brochure page, there is nothing for Actinic to put in the www folder. Everything from the top shop page down automatically goes in /acatalog/.

        You basically have two choices,

        Right click on your stor top page and select New Brochure Page to make an Actinic home page.


        Make a home page in alternate software, and include links to the shop pages.

        Re setting the Base Page name to index.html - excellent - every folder should contain an index.html file to stop any browser from getting an index list of the folder content.
        Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
        BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
        Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
        VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
        Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


          Without a brochure page as your homepage I think you will need to use an htaccess file (or similar) to redirect to the root of your acatalog folder. Otherwise yoymayt wish to create some other page putside of Actinic for your root homepage.

          Best solution really is to create a brochure page and use it as your homepage on the domain root. Your catalog index page will still exist in acatalog as your shop homepage.

          Edit - Obviously my typing skills are not as fast as Bills.


            Thanks Bill and Duncan. If I can pick your brains a little more on the details of the two options.

            OPTION 1
            My content structure at the top consists of a Root Section with main links to three Sub-Sections plus nav. bar options. So I could create a Brochure Page, set as Home, and replace my Root Section with this Brochure Page. The three Sub-Sections below my new Brochure Home Page. Will I be able to get this to look and behave identical to how it currently looks and behaves? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this option.

            OPTION 2
            With regard to a redirect home page, how could I do an index.html that displays nothing and redirects without the user having to select a link (anchor)? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this option?

            Can't remember anything in HTML that lets you redirect automatically without user input.

            Regards Gordon


              Option 1
              No - not Actinic managed. You can have Brochure page - points to main shop page - points to three sub sections, but you cannot miss out the main shop page. Yes - if you hand code the three links on the brochure page and remove the normal navigation that would link from Brochure page to Shop index page (note that you want that index page there anyway to protect the directory).

              Option 2
              A displays nothing index page - open Notepad, click Save as - type index.html as the filename and choose a location (NOT your Actinic site folder). Now copy that empty file to the root of your site.

              htaccess - just search on that term.

              Meta refresh allows a timed redirect, but is frowned on by Search Engines - better avoided.

              If your webhost Control Panel allows you to specify the landing page for each domain, you could make /acatalog/ the domain landing page.
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

