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Including custom variables in fragments ?

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    Including custom variables in fragments ?

    probably been asked before, but been searching for an hour or so and can't find the right words within the forum search.

    I want to insert custom-variables into fragments.

    I created a new variable, said that it can be used anywhere

    I've tried to include code like [NETQUOTEVAR:myPhoneNumber] -
    example Please contact us on [NETQUOTEVAR:myPhoneNumber]

    that doesn't work,

    so the question is - Can I ?, How ?, got an example please.

    shouldn't it be CUSTOMVAR:myPhoneNumber


      sorry ignore that, NQV and CUSTOMVARs no longer exsist in V8.

      Thus assuming you have creaed the variable in the Design Library, you should be able to right click in the layout and choose insert variable, and choose your custom variable from the list of available variables


        You can insert a variable into your fragment text as folows:
        <actinic:variable Name="VariableName"/>


          thats interesting - its like one of Actinic's Features
          I'm playing with the syntax inside the Fragments.

          I start off by inserting <actinic:variable Name="VariableName"/> and press the APPLY button.
          the fragment repaints to [variableName] I then do a page preview and the html page has correctly inserted the contents of [variableName] in the correct place.
          so I then return to the fragment and insert [variableName] then APPLY and then preview
          this time it simply shows [variableName] within the html - no contents !
          me thinks this is a bug?? or perhaps its one of actinic's features.

          The problem is I can't tell when I have inserted <actinic:variable Name="VariableName"/> and when I've inserted [variableName]

          As a side note, the work is being done inside a Fragment NOT inside one of the layouts. If it was inside layout's then sure, the right click - insert would happily work.

          Anyway, thanks for the fast responses,


            I tried similar...

            I created a new variable called DomainName and defined a value for it.
            Then in the text of a fragment put:
            <actinic:variable Name="DomainName"/>
            The preview page shows the value of DomainName.
            Once you have saved the fragment then you see:

            I then tried just putting [DomainName] into the fragment and it worked also.


              I have it working, and I'm happily using the methods, its simply a bit strange the way it repaints


