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Subsection alignment problem

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    Subsection alignment problem

    Hi - have got a total of 12 subsections linking through to their respective products. My problem is that although the images are the the same size - the short descriptions vary in length and consequently the horizontal alignment is all messed up. I want to achieve a look that you would be able to achieve using tables with fixed width columns so all the subsections line up nicely vertically and horizontally. Is this possible? I am quite new to Actinic so would appreciate anyones help.

    Thanks in advance.


    You can achieve this quite easily using a couple of options.

    CSS can be used to create a container <div> at a fixed width eg:

    <div class="sectionContainer">
    ... existng layout code ....

    and in the actinic.css file

    .sectionContainer {
    margin: 0 10px; /* this sets left and right margins to 10px */
    width: 185px; /*set width to suit */

    You can also edit the layout list and set a fixed width to the <td> tags used to set out the rows and column... depening on the layouts used for the sections I have found the table <td> method to be a little hit and miss.

    The CSS method is by far the best solution.


    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes

